Preventing Radicalisation

Radicalisation is the process by which an individual, influenced by internal and external factors, starts to believe in and supports extremist narratives and ideals, and becomes committed to an extremist ideology or group.

People usually become radicalised by someone who exploits and takes advantage of vulnerabilities which can make them susceptible to extremist narratives.  It is possible for individuals to self-radicalise by viewing extremist materials online and in social media.

There is no obvious profile of anyone likely to become involved in extremism or a single indicator of when a person might move to adopt violence in support of extremist ideas.

The process of radicalisation is different for every individual and can take place over an extended period or within a very short time frame.


What do we mean by the term prevention?

Prevention means reducing or eliminating the risk of individuals or groups becoming involved in terrorism. Prevent involves the identification and referral of those susceptible to violent extremism into appropriate interventions. These interventions are aimed to stop the vulnerable being radicalised.

Extremists will always target those who are susceptible or have vulnerabilities, in a bid to spread their firmly held ideologies, but we must tackle them at source and prevent people being conditioned into terrorism.

Very Brief Intervention


There are many factors that can make someone vulnerable to radicalisation. They can apply to any age, social class, religion, ethnic or educational background. There may not be one specific sign that an individual is being radicalised, it could be a combination of factors or you may get a sense that something is not quite right with the person you are worried about. Use your professional judgement and trust your instincts and contact professionals for support and advice. Click here for information on Spotting the Signs.


It is crucial to note that Prevent is a supportive space and does not get people in trouble or criminalise them. It is about safeguarding them from the potential impact of extremism and radicalisation. Friends and family are best placed to spot the signs, so trust your instincts and share your concerns in confidence.

Find out more about Prevent on the Counter terrorism website here: Prevent | Counter Terrorism Policing



How do you make a Prevent referral?

Prevent is about safeguarding our communities from the threat of terrorism by stopping people from supporting it or becoming terrorists themselves.

There are several ways you can seek advice:

  • Visit ACT Early or Action Counters Terrorism
  • Call the National Prevent Advice Line on 0800 011 3764 if you are concerned about friends, families and community members
  • Speak to your designated safeguarding lead (if applicable)
  • Call the local Wiltshire Counter Terrorism Prevent team on 01278 647466
  • Call 101 and state you would like some advice regarding a Prevent concern
  • If you see or hear something that could be terrorist related call the anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321
  • If you require urgent police assistance dial 999

Local Support and Contact Details