Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre was established in 1974 to provide safety and support for women and children experiencing domestic abuse. The Refuge has living accommodation for up to 8 women and 15 children. We offer temporary accommodation in a safe and supportive refuge where women and their children can recover from the traumatic effects of domestic abuse and make informed choices. We also offer a range of community services, courses and counselling to support women and children to rebuild their lives after abuse
Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse refers to abusive behaviors which take place between two people who are personally connected. Domestic abuse can include a wide range of abusive behavior. It can happen to anyone; partners, ex-partners, or family members; regardless of sexuality, gender, religion, orientation, race, background, or upbringing.
Domestic Abuse can occur across generations and it affects all age groups, including elderly people.
Men, women, and children can all experience domestic abuse, and perpetrators can be male or female, though women are disproportionately affected by domestic abuse and the majority of perpetrators are men.
According to Refuge, calls to helplines have increased by 61% since the lockdown began.
Physical abuse – This includes any kind of threat of violence, it does not just have to be hitting, you may be restrained by your partner or have things thrown at you. They may shove or pinch you and claim it is a ‘joke’.
Economical abuse – This involves a perpetrator using or misusing money which leads to them controlling their partners current and future actions as well as their freedom of choice.
Mental abuse – A way to control another person by using emotions to criticise, embarrass, shame, blame and manipulate another person.
Emotional abuse – This can be subtle and deceptive or explicit and manipulative, either way it chips away at a victims’ self-esteem and they start doubting their perceptions and feelings.
Coercive control – A pattern of intimidation, degradation, isolation and control with the use or threat of physical or sexual violence.
Sexual abuse – Any sexual act that a person did not consent to or is forced into against their will, including unsafe sex and degrading sexual activity.
Female genital mutilation – A collective term for a range of procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons.
Digital/online abuse – Modern technology gives perpetrators increasing ways to stalk, isolate and control their victims through the tools of everyday life.
Honour based abuse – An incident or crime committed to defend or protect the ‘honour’ of the family and community.
Forced marriage – A form of honour-based abuse. It is when one or both people who do not, or cannot consent to the marriage and are forced into it.
It takes a great deal of courage to leave someone who controls and intimidates you. Women often attempt to leave several times before making the final break. Women are at the greatest risk of homicide at the point of separation or after leaving a violent partner.
Safety - the woman may be fearful of what the abuser will do to her and the children if they leave or attempt to leave
Lack of self-confidence - the woman may believe that it is her fault and that she deserves the abuse, and may fear she would never find anyone else if she left
Denial - she convinces herself that “it’s not that bad”
Shame - she is embarrassed about people finding out
Guilt - the abuser makes her believe that she is to blame for his actions
Financial dependence - the woman may not be able to support herself and her children independently.
Loyalty - she may be loyal to the abuser regardless of his actions
Hope - believes that things will improve with time. She believes she can make him change
Lack of support - she doesn’t know to whom to turn
Pressure - family and friends pressurise her to stay and ‘make it work’
Religious/community beliefs - she is under pressure not to break up the family
Love - despite the abuse, she still loves him
Jekyll and Hyde - the abuser switches between charm and rage; the woman thinks, ‘He’s not always like this’
Intimidation - the abuser threatens to take the children or pets away
Gender roles - she might normalise his behaviour because he’s a man – ‘that’s how men are’. She may believe it’s the woman’s role to put the needs of others first
Immigration - if the woman has insecure immigration status, she may fear being deported
Very Brief Intervention
Remember, you may be the first person to whom they disclose their abuse. This may be their only opportunity to access support. It is critical that you listen to them and believe them, and that you are non-judgmental and respond safely and appropriately. The below information is designed to support you in that engagement process:
Spotting the signs and questions
Is your partner jealous and possessive?
Are they charming one minute and abusive the next?
Do they tell you what to wear, where to go, who to see?
Do they constantly put you down?
Do they play mind games and make you doubt your judgment?
Do they control your money, or make sure you are dependent on him for everyday things?
Do they pressure you to have sex when you don’t want to?
Are you starting to walk on eggshells to avoid making them angry?
Do they control your access to medicine, devices or care that you need?
Do they monitor or track your movements or messages?
Do they use anger and intimidation to frighten and control you?
- Create a safe space
- Make sure you speak in private. Make it clear you won’t judge. Only then will they feel safe enough to open up
- Is there anything you want to talk about? Is everything OK at home?”
- Take them seriously. Listen. Believe them
- Tell them it’s not their fault
- Tell them nothing they can do justifies abuse.
- Don’t ask why they haven’t left or judge her choices. Instead, build confidence and focus on strengths.
- They may have been deliberately isolated. Say that there are solutions.
- Encourage them to contact domestic abuse services to obtain support and find out about rights and options.
- Leaving is the most dangerous time for a woman; it is important they seek specialist support if planning to leave.
Providing advice and support for women and children, against domestic violence. If you are seeking immediate support, call the free Helpline. Messages sent through the website will be responded to within 48 hours, messages won’t leave any trace on emails and the helpline team won’t leave voicemails when calling back for safety reasons.
Domestic Abuse helpline Tel: 0808 2000 247 – Open 24 hours a day
Website: https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/en/Contact-us
Chatline: https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/en/Chat-to-us-online
Website: https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/en/Contact-us
Women's Aid
A national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. A federation of over 180 organisations providing just under 300 services across England. They provide online help and support to women and children suffering domestic abuses, help to access refuge accommodation, outreach services and Independent domestic violence advocacy (IDVA).
Tel: 0808 2000 247 – 24 hour Domestic Abuse helpline or call 01709 336009
Website: https://www.womensaid.org.uk/
Technology Safety - A Toolkit for Survivors
Resources on this website explore technology in the context of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and violence against women. To talk to someone who can answer your questions and support you, call the National Domestic Abuse helpline. Information includes:
- Safety tips, information, and privacy strategies for survivors on the use of technology
- Spyware and Stalkerware information
- Smartphones - Increasing privacy & responding to abuse
- Tips on being webwise when sharing personal information online
Website: https://www.techsafety.org/resources-survivors
The Men's Advice Line
Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and those supporting them. The service offers advice and emotional support to men who experience abuse, and signpost to other vital services that help keep them and their children safe. Your call will not appear on itemised bills.
Tel: 0808 801 0327 (run by Respect) Mon–Fri 9am-8pm
Email: info@mensadviceline.org.uk
Website: https://mensadviceline.org.uk/male-victims/
National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline
The helpline team has extensive experience in supporting LGBT+ people who are victims of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, so-called conversion therapies, honour-based abuse, forced marriage, and other forms of abuse. Professionals can also contact this number for advice.
Tel: 0800 999 5428 (run by Galop) Mon to Fri 10am – 5pm, Weds and Thurs 10am – 8:00pm
Email: help@galop.org.uk
Website: https://galop.org.uk/get-help/helplines/
Rights of Women - Helping women through the law
Free telephone advice line providing women with legal advice and information on a wide range of legal issues including domestic violence, child contact, sexual violence and the criminal justice process and immigration and asylum as well as other legal issues arising from relationship breakdown.
Tel: 020 7251 8887 Tues 2pm – 4pm and 7pm – 9pm, Thurs 2pm – 4pm, Fri 10am – 12pm. The line is closed on Bank holidays.
Email: info@row.org.uk
Web: https://rightsofwomen.org.uk/get-advice/advice-lines/
National Helpline for men wanting to change
For men worried about their behaviours and relationships and who want to take steps to change. Providing perpetrator support and helping men to become safe around their partners and children.
Tel: 0808 8024040 Mon–Fri 9am-8pm
Website: www.respectphoneline.org.uk
Local Support and Contact Details
Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership
Home - Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership (bedsdv.org.uk)
Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership Getting Help If you are a survivor or current victim of domestic abuse, or are worried about your behaviour
Domestic abuse behaviours
Domestic abuse doesn’t always mean physical violence; it could be:
- Being forced into doing something sexually that you don’t want to do by a partner or ex-partner.
- Use of weapons, damage to property, physical abuse to children and animals. Threats to harm the non-abusive person, children, animals. Threats to portray the non-abusive person in a bad light to others and removal of children.
- Isolating an individual from others. Controlling what they wear, who they see, where they can go. Coercive control is now an offence under Part 5, S76 of the Serious Crime Act 2015.
- Preventing a person from acquiring money in their own right, restricting how a person uses their money or resources. Making a person pay all the bills, taking out loans in their name. Controlling all the household money.
- Name-calling, being constantly criticised, stalking.
Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership
The Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership brings together key agencies across Bedfordshire to raise awareness about domestic abuse and unhealthy relationships, to deliver services to support those affected by abuse and to work together to improve our local response. It strives to bring all local agencies working together to ensure a coordinated response to domestic abuse across Bedfordshire.
Website: https://bedsdv.org.uk/get-help/
Telephone: 24 Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline for Women 0808 2000 247
LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline 0800 999 5428
Email: bdap@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Home Start Central Bedfordshire & Luton
Local family and children's charity offering domestic violence support groups
Website: https://www.home-startcentralbeds.org.uk/domestic-violence-support-groups/
Telephone: 01582 660061
Telephone: 01582 457114
Telephone Helplines
Honour based abuse helpline: 0800 5999 247
National stalking helpline: 0808 802 0300
Revenge porn helpline: 0345 6000 459
Respect phone-line: 0808 802 4040 (for those who are worried about or want to change their behaviour – web chat service available)
Child line: 0800 1111 (provides night chat service)
Victim support 24hr support line: 0808 168 9111 (offers live chat service)
Telephone Helpline
COMPASS provides support to victims of domestic abuse across Essex, Southend and Thurrock via a single point of access. It is a partnership being delivered by a group of established domestic abuse support agencies.
Callers will speak to a trained member of staff who will complete an assessment and ensure contact is made with the most appropriate support service. There is also an easy to use online form for both the public and professionals wishing to make a referral.
Essex Domestic Abuse Helpline
Tel: 0330 333 7444
Available 8am-8pm weekdays and 8am-1pm at weekends
Website: Essex Compass
Hertfordshire Domestic Abuse Hotline
Herts Domestic Abuse Helpline is a confidential, free, support and signposting service for those affected by domestic abuse.
Lines are open Mon-Fri 9am - 9pm and Sat-Sun 9am-4pm.
Tel: 08 088 088 088
Web: https://www.hertsdomesticabusehelpline.org/
Herts Sunflower with Hertfordshire County Council
Web: https://www.hertssunflower.org/Herts-Sunflower.aspx
Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership
The Partnership brings together key agencies across Bedfordshire to raise awareness about domestic abuse and unhealthy relationships, to deliver services to support those affected by abuse.
As a Partnership, they understand that men, women, transgender and LGBTQ+ individuals have different needs, and our response will be appropriate to your need.
Website: https://bedsdv.org.uk/get-help/
Telephone Helplines:
Luton All Women's Centre
Luton All Women’s Centre's specialist Domestic Abuse service can help you get out (and stay out) of a dangerous relationship, support you in coping and recovering from your experiences, and help you take the steps you need to move on to successful and independent living.
Website: https://www.lutonallwomenscentre.org.uk/domestic-abuse
Telephone: 01582 416783
Women's Aid in Luton
Supporting women and children who have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse.
Website: https://womensaidinluton.org/
Telephone: 01582 391856
Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones (Luton) is a charity dedicated to empowering women who have suffered domestic abuse or are vulnerable due to substance misuse by providing hope and the skills and resources to make positive life choices.
Website: https://www.steppingstonesluton.co.uk/
Telephone: 01582 457114
Home Start Central Bedfordshire & Luton
Local family and children's charity offering domestic violence support groups
Website: https://www.home-startcentralbeds.org.uk/domestic-violence-support-groups/
Telephone: 01582 660061
Telephone: 01582 457114
Telephone Helplines
National 24h domestic abuse helpline: 0808 2000 247 (offers live chat service)
Men’s advice line: 0808 801 0327 (web chat available)
LGBTQ+ DV helpline: 0300 999 5428 (offers live chat service)
Honour based abuse helpline: 0800 5999 247
National stalking helpline: 0808 802 0300
Revenge porn helpline: 0345 6000 459
Respect phone-line: 0808 802 4040 (for those who are worried about or want to change their behaviour – web chat service available)
Child line: 0800 1111 (provides night chat service)
Victim support 24hr support line: 0808 168 9111 (offers live chat service)
Milton Keynes Domestic Abuse Partnership
MK ACT is a charity in Milton Keynes which works with over 100 families’ every day to help them move on from fear and abuse. We have been providing safe emergency accommodation in Milton Keynes for people and their children escaping domestic violence for over 45 years.
Domestic abuse occurs across society, regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, wealth, and geography. MK Act offers help to anyone aged 16 years and up within Milton Keynes.
LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline 0800 999 5428
Suzy Lamplugh Trust National Stalking Helpline
Domestic abuse behaviours
Domestic abuse doesn’t always mean physical violence; it could be:
- Being forced into doing something sexually that you don’t want to do by a partner or ex-partner.
- Use of weapons, damage to property, physical abuse to children and animals. Threats to harm the non-abusive person, children, animals. Threats to portray the non-abusive person in a bad light to others and removal of children.
- Isolating an individual from others. Controlling what they wear, who they see, where they can go. Coercive control is now an offence under Part 5, S76 of the Serious Crime Act 2015.
- Preventing a person from acquiring money in their own right, restricting how a person uses their money or resources. Making a person pay all the bills, taking out loans in their name. Controlling all the household money.
- Name-calling, being constantly criticised, stalking.
Norfolk County Council – How to get help
Domestic abuse mainly affects women, although men too can be victims of abuse. Domestic abuse can affect anyone regardless of their gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and age.
Website: https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/safety/domestic-abuse/how-to-get-help
Leeway refuge services
Residential services including short term emergency accommodation
24-hour telephone helpline – 0300 561 0077
Website: https://www.leewaysupport.org/
Orwell refuge services (Haven Project)
Emergency accommodation for females in South Norfolk
Telephone: 0845 467 4876
NIDAS – Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Services (medium and high risk support)
Direct support for medium and high risk cases across Norfolk
Home safety support for high risk victims
Telephone: 0300 561 0555 (9am and 6:30pm on weekdays, between 9am and 3pm on weekends)
Text: 07860 063 464
Out of hours: 0808 2000 247
Website: https://nidasnorfolk.co.uk/
Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care (standard risk)
Telephone and face to face support for male and female victims
Telephone: 0300 303 3706 (Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care, 8am-5pm Monday-Friday)
National Helpline: 0808 1689 111 (24 hours)
Website: https://www.nsvictimcare.org/
Pandora Project (standard risk support North and West Norfolk)
Email: info@pandoraproject.org.uk
Website: https://www.pandoraproject.org.uk/
Daisy Programme (standard risk support Breckland)
Telephone: 01953 880903
Email: help@daisyprogramme.org.uk
Website: https://www.daisyprogramme.org.uk/
What we do
Women’s Centre: We run a women, young people and children’s centre in central Ipswich. This is a service for Suffolk and is open to all women, young people and children. The centre provides a one-stop shop of advice and information for women, young people and children (particularly those who are suffering or have suffered domestic abuse), whilst presenting an opportunity for all women, young people and children across the county to develop new skills and come together within a safe and caring environment.
We support all women, young people and children welcoming them to our centre and encouraging them to use our facilities to promote their independence and raise their confidence. Our staff are on hand to provide any support and information that may be required.
Our services are free, confidential and non-judgemental.
Website: Lighthouse (lighthousewa.org.uk)
Email: info@lighthousewa.org.uk
Telephone: 01473 228 270
Bury St Edmunds Women's Aid Centre
Services provided:
Outreach Service
This is accessed via our widely publicised telephone number. Information, advice and support at the Outreach Centre through appointments or at a safe location of the caller’s choosing.
Education & Empowerment
Our 12-week Freedom Programme is a proven tool for the rehabilitation of survivors of abuse. We run 6 courses per year. Around 15 women attend each course.
Survivors of Domestic Abuse – SODA
This group meets weekly in term-time, offering women the opportunity to learn new skills and coping mechanisms.
Weekly Coffee Morning
This is an opportunity for women to meet with former residents who have rebuilt their lives.
Website: Bury St Edmunds Women's Aid Centre (burystedmundswomensaid.org.uk)
Email: admin@burystedmundswomensaid.org.uk
(Please note, for your safety, we cannot give advice via email. We can, however, return a call to a ‘safe’ number.)
Telephone: 0330 551 9495
Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care
Website: https://www.nsvictimcare.org/
Email: nsvictimcare@victimsupport.org.uk
- 0300 303 3706 between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday
- Out of hours support is available via Victim Support; call: 0808 16 89 111
SERICC: Rape and Sexual Abuse Victim Support provides specialist services to anyone in South and West Essex who is experiencing, or who has experienced, any form of sexual violence and abuse at any time in their life.
Website: Rape and Sexual Abuse Victim Support | South and West Essex (sericc.org.uk)
Essex COMPASS is a single point of access funded by Essex County Council in partnership with the Office of Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner to support victims of domestic abuse across Southend, Essex and Thurrock.
Website: Essex Compass
Thurrock Council Domestic Abuse Support for Victims has information on support available within the region.
Website: Support for victims | Domestic abuse | Thurrock Council