Falls and Frailty
Falls and fall-related injuries are common and serious problems for older people. People aged 65 and above have the highest risk of falling with 30% of people older than 65 and 50% of people older than 80 falling once a year (source NICE clinical guideline 161, June 2013).
Despite this, falls are not an inevitable part of ageing. Children and athletes often fall, but the reason that such interest is taken in people over the age of 65 is that the implications of a fall for this group are often very significant and can often result in failing to recover to their previous level of health. Frailty is related to the reduction in an individual’s function that develops as part of the aging process.
Experts believe that the vast majority of falls could be prevented with some fairly modest changes to our lifestyle. People at risk of falls are often reluctant to discuss it because they fear their independence may be taken away from them, it's up you us to persuade them that the opposite is true: that by taking positive steps to prevent falls they will preserve their health and independence for longer.
Very Brief Intervention
OBSERVE if the person seems unsteady when walking or rising from a seating to a standing position
ASK - You seem a bit unsteady, which much be annoying, I hear that you can do something about that
OBSERVE if the person is shuffling or walking really slowly
ASK - Have you had a fall over the last 12 months or do you have a fear of falling?
- A fear of falling is a common symptom in people who have had a fall even when person had not injured themselves, its increases the chance of further falls, because they are often unable to act rationally when about to fall, as panic kicks in.
- Check if they informed their GP of the fall as they can often help by reviewing medication, supporting eye test etc
Do you spend quite a lot of time sitting down if you are worried about having a fall?
- Sitting down for long periods can actually harm balance, body strength and mobility, which in turn makes a fall even more likely, its a vicious circle that damages confidence and independence.
Would you like some information on the benefits of keeping active and moving?
- The more active you can be the more you can offset the effects of ageing
- These activities are fantastic for maintaining balance and mobility
- Gardening
- Housework
- Walking to the shops rather than driving
- Strengthening and balance fitness classes
- When sitting, keep your back as straight as possible to avoid a stooped posture
- When watching TV, roll your shoulders regularly and get up and walk about in ad breaks or between programmes
Would you like some information on the top five ways to avoid slips trips and falls?
- Badly fitting shoes - Our feet change shape with age and lose some feeling and flexibility, soles should be thin enough for you to feel the ground but have enough cushioning for shock-absorption and good tread for gripping
- Trailing clothes - Hems of trousers that are too long or loose belts or cords for dressing gowns
- 'Shuffly' walking - Its easy to get in the habit of not lifting your feet as high as you used to when walking but this increases your chance of tripping
- Worn out slippers - Its may be time to say goodbye to your old friends, frayed uppers and sloppy backs, Slippers should fasten and stay on and provide grip.
- Walking on socks/tights on hard floors - Don't do it, wear good slippers instead
Would you like some information on ways to try and fall proof your home?
Fall proof your home - 6 out of 10 falls happen in the home but a few simple changes can help
- Lighting - Avoid trailing cables - Use a bedside lamp when getting up at night
- Living areas - Check rugs have a non slip underlay, consider replaying or repairing frayed carpets - remove any clutter from hall, landing, stairs and doorways
- Garden - Keep paths free of moss and leaves where possible - Repair cracks in paving
- Kitchen/Bathroom - Rearrange cupboards so that frequently used items are in easy reach - Use a non slip matt in the shower/bath, consider installing grab rails in bathroom
Remember installing hand rails and non-slips mats might make you feel older but they can ensure that you are able to be more independent for longer and give you more freedom, not less.
Self Care
There is a wealth of information and ways to prevent falls on the following websites
- Saga - Discover ways to stay fit at https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/health-wellbeing/wellbeing/falls-guide
- Age Uk - Information on falls prevention, exercise classes and handyman services in some areas. Call free on 0800 169 6565 or see https://www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/health-wellbeing/fitness/falls-prevention/
- The effective assessment of an individual’s risk of a fall would be a multifactorial intervention considering falls history, visual impairment etc. This assessment would enable the referral of an individual to effective interventions targeted at specific risk factors
- Your GP may carry out some simple tests to check your balance. They can also review any medicines you're taking, in case their side effects may increase your risk of falling. Your GP may also recommend:
- having a sight test if you're having problems with your vision, even if you already wear glasses
- having an electrocardiogram (ECG) and checking your blood pressure while lying and standing
- requesting a home hazard assessment, where a healthcare professional visits your home to identify potential hazards and offer
- advice doing exercises to improve your strength and balance (try some exercises for older people)
- NHS Choices - Find this leaflet and other resources at https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-body/keep-your-bones-strong-over-65/
Local Support and Contact Details
Bedford Borough Council
Telecare technology is available to support you to stay independent and maintain control of your health and wellbeing needs.
Telecare equipment can be free of charge. If you do not have a landline telephone you will be charged for a sim card (to use with your mobile phone) to support the services that you are assessed for.
Products available
Telecare can provide a range of different items that can support your independence in the community and your own home and includes:
- Personal alarms – you can wear as a pendant, bracelet or keyring that you can can press if support or help is required.
- A falls detector – sensors fitted in your home to monitor movement.
- Embrace watches – to monitor and support with epilepsy with GPS locator.
- Chair and bed sensors – these can be voice activated that can act as reminders.
- Medication boxes – support to remind you to take medication.
A Care Act assessment is completed to ensure we can meet and support you with your eligible needs. This ensures your health and wellbeing is supported at home and in the community.
We work in partnership with Grand Union Housing Group to provide a Telecare personal alarm service to those who need it.
Grand Union Housing Group will install and demonstrate the equipment on our behalf.
What people using Telecare have said
“I feel so safe now that I have my alarm in the community when I am going out on my own”.
“The falls detector makes me feel safe as I live on my own”.
“I'm a young person and needed equipment that was age appropriate for me. I am now able to go out and about on my own as my embrace watch has a GPS tracker so supports me and my family”.
Please phone 01234 718128 or email Telecare@bedford.gov.uk and speak a friendly, helpful advisor to discuss your telecare needs and what would support you in maintaining your independence, health and wellbeing.
Healthy You's Falls Prevention Service
Our Fall Management Exercise Programme, called FaME will help to improve your strength, stability and confidence. It’s delivered by specialist qualified exercise instructors who understand the age related changes that happen in the body and the medical concerns that you may have.
What support is available?
- Weekly small group exercise classes designed to improve your physical fitness, strength and balance.
- The exercises within the class are progressed slowly according to your abilities and
- The exercises are specifically developed to help you feel steadier on your feet and improve your confidence.
- Delivered locally
Who can get help?
- 65 or over
- History of falls (injurious or non-injurious)
- Fear of falling
- Feeling unstable
- Low bone density and/or family history of Osteoporotic fracture
- Medically Stable with any conditions under control
- Use of a walking Aid
Tel: 0333 005 0093
Website: https://healthyyou.org.uk/sign-up/
Central Bedfordshire Council
Sometimes, after a fall, injury or illness you need some help to look after yourself – known as reablement. This helps you live independently and do things for yourself.
We can help you to relearn lost skills and get your confidence back. We aim to get you back to doing day-to-day things for yourself, and being as independent as possible.
We will work with you to find out what your needs are and what is causing you the most difficulty.
If necessary, we can then put together a plan on the care and support that you will need.
This will help you stay in your own home for as long as possible.
Website: Getting back on your feet | Central Bedfordshire Council
Telephone: 0300 300 8303
Essex Wellbeing Service
The Essex Wellbeing Service is a single point of access to connect you to the right support for your needs. After an initial assessment they will refer you on to a specialist falls service where appropriate.
Website: Essex Wellbeing Service
Telephone: 0300 303 9988
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council can help with information on resources to help reduce falls and support in the event of a fall.
Luton Falls Team
The team consists of falls support workers who cover the service seven days a week. They assess patients following a fall or those at risk a fall for falls prevention intervention. Their aim is to:
- prevent unnecessary admissions to hospital following a fall
- reduce the risk of further falls
- advise regarding falls prevention
Website: https://www.cambscommunityservices.nhs.uk/luton/adults/falls-prevention-service
Telephone: 0333 405 3000
Download Luton Falls Team Information Pack
Headway Luton
Headway Luton supports people with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) caused by a fall.
The Luton Day Centre activities include:
**Speech and communication**Physiotherapy**Cognitive Exercises **Physical Exercise/Yoga**Computer Classes**Singing/Music**Cooking **Mindfulness**Money Management **Arts & Crafts**Social Interaction**
Community support for clients, families & carers across Luton, Dunstable, Houghton Regis & surrounding areas includes:
**ABI Information & Advice **Crisis Intervention**Emotional Support**Signposting**Advocacy for housing, benefits & money issues **Additional support as required*
Website: www.headwayluton.com
Telephone: 01582 876729
Sometimes, after a fall, injury or illness you need some help to look after yourself – known as reablement. This helps you live independently and do things for yourself.
We can help you to relearn lost skills and get your confidence back. We aim to get you back to doing day-to-day things for yourself, and being as independent as possible.
We will work with you to find out what your needs are and what is causing you the most difficulty.
If necessary, we can then put together a plan on the care and support that you will need.
This will help you stay in your own home for as long as possible.
Milton Keynes Integrated Falls preventions Service
B-Well Group provides Community Falls Prevention Services in Milton Keynes.
The service provides assessment, treatment and advice to older people in a supportive environment. People can be assessed in their own homes and where exercise classes are required these are available free of charge to help reduce risk of falling and improve mobility and balance.
Website: Milton Keynes Integrated Falls preventions Service
Telephone: 01908686751
Milton Keynes Falls Service - Staying Steady
Staying Steady Milton Keynes offers specialist support to individuals, mainly aged over 65 years, who have fallen or are at risk of falling.
We work with an individual and their carer to make decisions about the best way to reduce the risk of the person falling, raise awareness of risk factors for falling and make any necessary changes to their home to prevent falls.
Website: Milton Keynes Falls Service - Staying Steady
Telephone: 01908 72 5622
Falls Prevention – Active Norfolk
Our Falls Prevention home exercise programme is suitable for those who are at moderate to high risk of falling, who have had 1 or more falls in the last 3 months or have a high fear of falling.
Website: Falls Prevention - Activity and Health - Active Norfolk
Telephone: 01603 228938
Age UK Norfolk
Age UK offer a range of specialist advice to support people with a wide range of conditions including preventing a fall, making a home fall-proof and what to do if you are worried about a fall. We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year.
Website: Age UK Norfolk - Making Norfolk A Great Place To Grow Older
Telephone: 01603 787 111
The Frailty Prevention Service
A specialised team within East Coast Community Healthcare, covering the Great Yarmouth and Waveney postcode areas. We work together as a team, using our collective experience and knowledge to provide the best support for you in clinics and at your home.
Referral is via your GP, a health or social care professional.
Website: Frailty Service | East Coast Community Healthcare (ecch.org)
Telephone: 01493 809977
Rapid Assessment Team and Frailty Team - West Norfolk
The team is a multi-agency service who assess individual patient needs while in the acute setting and organise appropriate support whether in the home or in an alternative community environment with appropriate services and equipment. Provides rapid assessment to patients in West Norfolk.
Referrals into the service will be made by the Health Professional looking after you when you attend the Emergency Department, Assessment Units or Out-Patient Clinics. Self-referrals accepted.
Website: Rapid Assessment Team | Norfolk Community Health & Care NHS Trust
Telephone: 01553 613813
Be at Home Adaptations & Alarms (Norfolk and Waveney ICB)
The Be at Home-Adaptations & Alarm Service is available for residents who are at risk of falls and to prevent re-admission to hospital due to falls or to facilitate discharge. Both parts of the service are for privately rented clients or owner occupiers only. They do work such as the installation of grab rails, additional banister rails, shallow steps, handrails and temporary ramps to facilitate hospital discharge.
The service aims to reduce unnecessary hospital admissions and re-admissions by reducing risks around the home (for example, by preventing falls or making a property more dementia friendly.
Referral is via the Great Yarmouth Borough Council electronic form and must be made by a health and social care professional.
Website: Be at Home - health and social care referrals - Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Email: referrals@great-yarmouth.gov.uk
Other Falls Prevention resources
- Your Health Norfolk has Falls Prevention resources and full exercise videos you can do from home.
- “Stop Falling Start Living” is a YouTube account dedicated to Falls Prevention videos.
Suffolk Falls Service
Suffolk Community Services provide a range of specialist services across the county to support to people with a wide range of conditions including falls. We also run and support groups to encourage peer support for people with various conditions - for example for falls prevention, including exercise courses.
Website: Suffolk Community Services
Ipswich and East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group Falls
The Falls Directory is for Health and Social Care professionals to locate the most appropriate services for patients, having recognised that they are at risk of falling, in the event of a fall or for fall rehabilitation.
Website: Falls Directory (ipswichandeastsuffolkccg.nhs.uk)
Telephone: 01473 770000
Falls and Fracture Prevention, West Suffolk
Providing a falls prevention service. Please follow the link to their web page to find information about how to prevent falls, what to do if you have a fall and who to contact.
Telephone:01284 758010
Step by Step - Better Balance Falls Prevention - ActivLives
ActivLives Better Balance sessions are aimed at people aged 55 and over who are at risk of falling or who have previously fallen. These sessions are designed to help keep you mobile, active and independent.
Specialised exercises can help make it easier to stay steady on your feet, improve your confidence, reduce your risk of falling and help with everyday activities such as getting out of chair. The sessions incorporate OTAGO falls prevention exercises which can help maintain strength, balance and flexibility.
The session is for 1 hour and is a mixture of seated and standing exercises. We are working in partnership with Ipswich and East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group to deliver the Step by Step programme to provide community based falls prevention exercise sessions.
Do get in touch to find out more - we are a friendly and welcoming organisation and look forward to hearing from you
Telephone: 01473 345350
Email: clare@activlives.org.uk
Thurrock Well Homes Programme Thurrock is a scheme to improve the housing conditions and the health and well-being of residents living in private properties.
Website: Well Homes | Well Homes in private housing | Thurrock Council
Thurrock First is a service a telephone contact for adults living in Thurrock who want to talk to someone about: adult social care
and care available in the community
Website: Thurrock First | Adult social care help and advice | Thurrock Council
Thurrock Council: Getting help with equipment and home adaptations
Website: Help with equipment and home adaptations | Home adaptations and equipment | Thurrock Council