Mental Wellbeing
Mental wellbeing describes your mental state - how you are feeling and how well you can cope with day-to-day life. Our mental wellbeing is dynamic. It can change from moment to moment, day to day, month to month or year to year
If anyone experiences low mental wellbeing over a long period of time they are more likely to develop a mental health problem. If someone already has a mental health problem, they are more likely to experience periods of low mental wellbeing than someone who hasn't. But that doesn't mean the person won't have periods of good wellbeing.
The Very Brief Intervention (VBI) pages below recognise that the perception that it can be difficult to start a conversation about a persons Mental Wellbeing. The following VBI uses advice from 'Time to Change' which is led by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness.
Our Mental health can be impacted at any time in our lives, whether this is from a relationship breakdown, a bereavement or financial worries so lets get taking about mental health, its OK to ask!
Crisis Support
For urgent mental health support, contact:
- Call 111 option 2 NHS Mental Health Crisis Line (24/7 helpline for anyone of any age)
- Contact the Samaritans
- If it's a life-threatening emergency call 999.
Very Brief Intervention
How are you?
How are you feeling at the moment?
What’s been happening for you recently?
You mentioned you are feeling low, why do you think that is?
What have you been doing to make yourself feel better?
What more would you like to do or do more of that would help?
Reflect back what has been said to you; “you said you have not been sleeping well, tell me a bit more about that?
It may be worth asking about the causes and what could possibly be done to address them e.g. debt management, housing support, stress management.
Give reassurances that there are lots of sources of support
If you are worried that this person is in crisis, please see section for Suicide Prevention
If no immediate risk take the following steps:
Encourage them to ring:
Samaritans - (All age groups)
Tel: 116 123, open 24 hours a day.
Papyrus - (Young people)
Tel: 0800 068 41 41
Text: 07786209697
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 10am-10pm, weekends: 2pm-10pm & bank holidays: 2pm-5pm
- Encourage the person to contact their GP. Their GP will be able support the person in many ways
- Mind 'The charity for better mental health' has an extensive range of self help resources available
- The NHS have has a range of self-help tools available
- Andy's Man Club provides a weekly talking group, a place for men to come together in a safe environment to talk about issues/problems they be have faced or currently been facing. Meetings take place regularly in different locations across the region, where applicable these can be found in the local support and contact details section.
- For Men -CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) offer accredited, confidential and free support to men anywhere in the UK through a helpline and web and webchat service. They talk through any issue with you and offer support, advice and signposting.
- Quell - Free, safe and anonymous mental wellbeing support for adults across the UK
- Kooth - is your online mental wellbeing community. Access free, safe and anonymous support, for 11-25 year olds
Every Mind Matters
‘Every Mind Matters’ is the first national mental health campaign from Public Health England
- It’s an NHS-approved digital hub full of expert advice and practical tips to achieve good mental health
- It also has a free NHS-approved online tool - ‘Your Mind Plan’ to help us:
- deal with stress
- boost our mood
- improve our sleep
- feel more in control.
Search online for 'Every Mind Matters'
Support Services - Adults
Adults can self-refer to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services. IAPT is a national NHS programme, which offers evidence based psychological therapies or interventions approved by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). IAPT is primarily for treating people with mild to moderate mental health issues such as anxiety disorders, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
IAPT treatments are delivered via a stepped care model where patients are initially offered low intensity therapies, such as computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) and guided self-help. If these treatments are unsuccessful, or not appropriate for individuals, higher intensity therapies are utilised and include one to one cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or interpersonal therapy (IPT). Please see local support and contact details for further information.
Support Services - Veterans
Veterans Combat Stress is the UK's leading mental health charity for veterans. They offer free, confidential 24-hour support to Service and ex-Service personnel who are experiencing mental health issues, including feeling suicidal.
Tel: 0800 138 1619
Support Services - Perinatal
PANDAS Foundation
The PANDAS Foundation is here to help support and advise any parent who is experiencing a perinatal mental illness. We are also here to inform and guide family members, carers, friends and employers as to how they can support someone who is suffering.
Tel: 0808 1961 776 (open 7 days a week, 11am - 10pm)
Support Services - Carers
The Carers Trust
It is important that you take care of your own health, even if you are busy looking after someone else's health. Being healthy is not only important for you, but it also helps the person you care after too. The website contains some helpful guides on relationship management and information on self-care and respite care.
Support Services - Children and Young People
Children and Young People can contact the 'The Mix which is a leading support service that can help young people to take on any challenge they are facing - from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs.
- Tel: 0808 0808 4994 (Freephone)
- Web:
For Parents
YoungMinds run a free, confidential parents helpline, which parents/careers can call if they are worried about how a child or young person is feeling or behaving. They also run a group called Parents Say, for parents whose children are accessing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.
Talk about the Five Ways to Wellbeing. The mental health equivalent to the dietary advice to have ‘5 a day’ fruit and vegetables for physical health.
1. Connect - With the people around you. With family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. At home, work, school or in your local community.
- As being well connected is good for your mental wellbeing… Is there anything you could be doing more of?
- Can you think of connections that you would like to make or remake?
2. Be Active - Go for a walk or run. Step outside. Cycle. Play a game. Garden. Dance. Exercising makes you feel good. Most importantly, discover a physical activity that you enjoy; one that suits your level of mobility and fitness.
- What activities do you engage in on a regular basis? How would I like to develop this?
- Are there any minor adjustments you can make in your life that can help you to be more active?
3. Take Notice - Be curious. Catch sight of the beautiful. Remark on the unusual. Notice the changing seasons. Savour the moment, whether you are on a train, eating lunch or talking to friends.
- How can you practice slowing down and pausing more often?
- What difference will incorporating this into your daily life make?
4. Keep Learning - Try something new. Rediscover an old interest. Sign up for that course. Take on a different responsibility at work. Fix a bike. Learn to play an instrument or how to cook your favourite food. Set a challenge you will enjoy achieving.
- What would you like to learn about? What interests you? What do you value? What would you find useful?
- What do you need to do to make learning something you look forward to?
5. Give - Do something nice for a friend, or a stranger. Thank someone. Smile. Volunteer your time. Join a community group. Look out, as well as in.
- Do you notice what it’s like for you when you give to others?
- What else could you give others that you hadn’t thought of before?
Local Support and Contact Details
Please note that these are not crisis services.
If you have serious concerns for a person, do not leave them on their own and get urgent professional help:
- from their GP
- by calling 999
- by taking them to the nearest accident and emergency department
Remember to make sure that you are safe and do not put yourself at risk.
Heads Up Bedfordshire
HeadsUp is a campaign to help men get happy and stay happy. It has been set up to help men identify and deal with issues that tend to crop up in life from time to time. The website also offers help and advice to friends and family, so they can better support the men in their life.
Samaritans are a 24 hours a day, 365 days a year service that can help talk to you with anything you may be going through.
Telephone: 116 123
PapyrusYoung People's hotline available Mon-Fri: 10am-10pm, weekends: 2pm-10pm & bank holidays: 2pm-5pm
Telephone: 0800 068 41 41
Text: 07786209697
CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
CAMHS provides outpatient assessments, support and treatment for children and young people up to the age of 18 experiencing moderate to severe mental health problems. The service works to provide them with a greater knowledge of their condition and improve coping techniques.
Self-referrals are not accepted. Referrals are accepted from your GP, health professional, social worker, teacher or youth worker.
Telephone: 01234 893300 / 01234 893301
Central Bedfordshire (North)
Telephone: 01234 310800
CHUMS - mental health and emotional wellbeing service for children and young people
offers therapeutic support for children and young people with a variety of mental health and wellbeing needs.
Telephone: 01525 863924
Bedfordshire and Luton recovery service Bedfordshire wellbeing service offers a range of free and confidential talking therapies and specialist support to help you feel better. Self-referrals are accepted via the website or by telephone, or contact your GP to arrange a referral.
The Bedfordshire Wellbeing Service
The Bedfordshire Wellbeing Service is for residents of Bedfordshire (excluding Luton who has a separate service) who experience depression, anxiety, sadness, extreme shyness, obsessive behaviour, phobias, relationship difficulties including depression and common mental health symptoms or other psychological issues which are holding them back in their lives.
Website: Bedfordshire Wellbeing Service | East London NHS Foundation Trust (
You can self refer yourself via phone: 01234 880 400
Or you can use this online secure form: online form
Your Wellbeing Bedfordshire
Your Wellbeing Bedfordshire provides information, advice and support to help you solve your own problems and build a good life as a member of the community.
Our Community Wellbeing Champions (CWC's) can provide personalised support to help you make positive changes to take control of your health and wellbeing.
Website: Improve your health and wellbeing - Your Wellbeing Bedfordshire
Contact form: Contact us – Your Wellbeing Bedfordshire
Mind BLMK - Supporting people across Bedfordshire
A local mental health charity, with a positive and holistic approach to promoting mental wellbeing. Our aim is to make sure that no-one has to face a mental health problem alone.
Tel: 0300 330 0648
Reflect is delivered by trained volunteers and clinicians who are available around the clock to listen and support anyone who is feeling anxious, lonely, overwhelmed or not quite themselves.
To start a conversation, anyone can text (please don’t WhatsApp!) the word reflect (upper or lower case) to 85258. The service is free, anonymous and does not show up on phone bills.
The Mix - Children and Young People support
Children and Young People can contact the 'The Mix which is a leading support service that can help young people to take on any challenge they are facing - from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs.
- Tel: 0808 0808 4994 (Freephone)
- Web:
YoungMinds - for parents
YoungMinds run a free, confidential parents helpline, which parents/careers can call if they are worried about how a child or young person is feeling or behaving. They also run a group called Parents Say, for parents whose children are accessing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.
Support Services - Adults
Adults can self-refer to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services. IAPT is a national NHS programme, which offers evidence based psychological therapies or interventions approved by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). IAPT is primarily for treating people with mild to moderate mental health issues such as anxiety disorders, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
IAPT treatments are delivered via a stepped care model where patients are initially offered low intensity therapies, such as computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) and guided self-help. If these treatments are unsuccessful, or not appropriate for individuals, higher intensity therapies are utilised and include one to one cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or interpersonal therapy (IPT). Please see local support and contact details for further information.
Healthy You's Mental Health, Health Trainer service
If you have a mental illness and would like to improve your health and wellbeing, our Specialist Mental Health, Health Trainer can work with you to make these changes.
Setting small goals can help make these healthy lifestyle changes more achievable, and our experienced Mental Health, Health Trainer can help to motivate you along the way.
Your Mental Health, Health Trainer will work in partnership with you to find out what changes you would like to make and with up to 8 sessions of healthy lifestyle support, they can help you with many elements of your health such as:
- Healthy eating
- Losing weight
- Increasing physical activity
- Reducing stress
- Growing a network of support
- Creating more structure to your day
Tel: 0333 005 0093
Please note that these are not crisis services.
If you have serious concerns for a person, do not leave them on their own and get urgent professional help:
- from their GP
- by calling 999
- by taking them to the nearest accident and emergency department
Remember to make sure that you are safe and do not put yourself at risk.
Heads Up Bedfordshire
HeadsUp is a campaign to help men get happy and stay happy. It has been set up to help men identify and deal with issues that tend to crop up in life from time to time. The website also offers help and advice to friends and family, so they can better support the men in their life.
Samaritans are a 24 hours a day, 365 days a year service that can help talk to you with anything you may be going through.
Telephone: 116 123
PapyrusYoung People's hotline available Mon-Fri: 10am-10pm, weekends: 2pm-10pm & bank holidays: 2pm-5pm
Telephone: 0800 068 41 41
Text: 07786209697
CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
CAMHS provides outpatient assessments, support and treatment for children and young people up to the age of 18 experiencing moderate to severe mental health problems. The service works to provide them with a greater knowledge of their condition and improve coping techniques.
Self-referrals are not accepted. Referrals are accepted from your GP, health professional, social worker, teacher or youth worker.
Telephone: 01234 893300 / 01234 893301
Central Bedfordshire (North)
Telephone: 01234 310800
CHUMS - mental health and emotional wellbeing service for children and young people
offers therapeutic support for children and young people with a variety of mental health and wellbeing needs.
Telephone: 01525 863924
Bedfordshire and Luton recovery service In partnership with East London Foundation Partnership Trust (ELFT) and The University of Bedfordshire, Recovery Colleges offer a wide range of free courses and workshops to everyone living and working in Bedfordshire and Luton, which are recovery focused, and aim to provide strategies and techniques for individuals to use in their daily lives to promote self management.
Telephone: 01234 263621
Bedfordshire Talking Therapies
Bedfordshire Talking Therapies offers a range of free and confidential talking therapies and specialist support to help you feel better. Self-referrals are accepted via the website or by telephone, or contact your GP to arrange a referral.
Its wellbeing webinars help support anyone who feels they might benefit from taking a first step in managing their current difficulties.
Website: Bedfordshire Talking Therapies | East London NHS Foundation Trust (
Telephone: 01234 880400 (8am to 8pm Monday, and from 8am to 5pm Tuesday to Friday.)
Mind BLMK - Supporting people across Bedfordshire
A local mental health charity, with a positive and holistic approach to promoting mental wellbeing. Our aim is to make sure that no-one has to face a mental health problem alone.
Tel: 0300 330 0648
For children and young people (up to 18 or 25 for those with additional needs)
Text REFLECT to 85258 to start a free, confidential text conversation with a trained volunteer, who can help with issues such as:
- Anxiety
- Abuse
- Stress
- Relationship problems
- Depression
- Bullying
- Suicidal thoughts
- Panic attacks
- Self-harm
- Loneliness
YoungMinds - for parents
YoungMinds run a free, confidential parents helpline, which parents/careers can call if they are worried about how a child or young person is feeling or behaving. They also run a group called Parents Say, for parents whose children are accessing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.
Shout is a free, confidential, text support service for anyone in the UK who is struggling to cope. It's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 (24/7)
Essex Wellbeing Service
The Essex Wellbeing Service can support you with aspects of your life that might be contributing to poor mental health.
Website: Essex Wellbeing Service
Telephone: 0300 303 9988
Please note Essex Wellbeing Service is not a crisis service and does not provide specific mental health support. Details of local mental health support services and crisis services are listed below:
Mind in Essex
You can access support from your local Mind mental health charity:
Mid and North East Essex (Braintree, Chelmsford, Colchester, Maldon and Tendring) Mid and North East Essex Mind, your local mental health charity (
South East and Central Essex (Basildon, Brentwood, Castle Point and Rochford) SECE Mind
West Essex (Epping, Harlow and Uttlesford) Home - Mind in West Essex
Crisis Services
If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis:
- Dial 111 and select option 2 or
- Call the Samaritans on 116 123
If you or someone you know has seriously injured themselves dial 999 or go to A&E immediately
For urgent help 24 hours a day:
- If someone's at risk of harm, call 999 or visit your nearest A&E.
- HPFT for support in a mental health crisis.
- Samaritans if you need someone non-judgemental to talk to.
NHS Wellbeing Service
Psychological help and practical support for people with mental health problems like anxiety, low mood, insomnia, stress or pregnancy-related issues.
Healthy Hubs
Visit your local Healthy Hub for free support to help you stay healthy and well.
Herts Mind Network
Services include peer support, group activities, counselling and a crisis helpline. Provided online, over the phone or from their countywide wellbeing centres.
Mind in Mid-Herts
Services include social and exercise groups, courses and workshops, psychological therapies, LGBTQ+ and carers groups, one-to-one calls and vocational support. Full list of services and areas covered on their website.
Mind in Hertfordshire
Providing mental health support across Hertfordshire
Total Wellbeing Luton - Emotional Health
Total Wellbeing Luton offers a Talking Therapy service and emotional health support. This service can be access by anyone who lives in Luton and is over 16.
Telephone: 0300 555 4152
Download Talking Therapies Booklet
Emotional Wellbeing Information Resource - Ages 0-25
If your child is struggling with their emotional and/or mental health, there are a number of local and national services offering information, advice and support for children and young people aged 0-25 years. This collection of resources reflects a multi-agency approach to supporting the emotional wellbeing of children and young people in Luton.
Heads Up Bedfordshire
HeadsUp is a campaign to help men get happy and stay happy. It has been set up to help men identify and deal with issues that tend to crop up in life from time to time. The website also offers help and advice to friends and family, so they can better support the men in their life.
A local mental health charity, with a positive and holistic approach to promoting mental wellbeing.
Tel: 0300 330 0648
Mind BLMK - Crisis Support - Crisis Cafe
Crisis Cafes are safe, non-judgemental spaces that you can come to if you find yourself in crisis or mental distress in the evenings. You will be met by a trained mental health worker who will listen and help you identify ways to address the problems you are facing.
Luton Community Chaplaincy
Pastoral and spiritual support for those of all faiths and none.
Tel: 07557 686218
Luton Psychology Service
Child and Educational Psychology Service at Luton Council promoting children and young people's social, emotional, & learning development; & supporting families.
Tel: 01582 548150
Chat Health
- Mental health
- Healthy eating
- Relationships
Bedfordshire and Luton Recovery College
Bedfordshire and Luton Recovery College is part of the Bedfordshire Mental Health Academy which is a formal partnership with East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) and the University of Bedfordshire.
The college is open to any adults who live or work in Bedfordshire and Luton.
Their courses and workshops focus on mental health wellbeing and recovery. They are delivered by people with lived experience and professional experience.
Tel: 01582 708917
ELFT (East London Foundation Trust)
ELFT provides a range of Mental Health Services across Bedfordshire and Luton
Black men's discussion and self help virtual chat group.
A safe and friendly platform to discuss affairs and issues effecting black men in the UK today.
Every Wednesday 6.30-8pm.
Talk For Change - Milton Keynes
Offers triage and assessment of all mental health referrals between the hours of 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
Telephone: 01908 725099 (option 1)
Milton Keynes Talking therapies (IAPT)They provide NHS talking therapies for common mental health problems like stress, anxiety, and depression.
Free, safe, and anonymous online support and counselling for anxiety, stress, and family relationships, main issues occurring mental health coaching.
You can log on for one-to-one online counselling with a qualified counsellor
Opening time:
- 12noon–10 pm on weekdays
- 6pm until 10pm at weekends
- 365 days a year
You can also have access to:
- 24-hour access to self-help materials
- Post messages in our moderated forums
- Connect with people who are feeling the same as you
- Receive messages of advice and support
The Watling Street Network
Children and Young people mental health using Primary Care Network (PCN) funded services to deliver a structured healthcare pathway. There is an online level one Mental Health course which is opened to adults.
Milton Keynes Providers
Stony Medical Centre
Address: The Health Centre, Market Square, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes MK11 1YA
Telephone: 01908 260382
Hilltops Medical Centre
Address: Kensington Drive, Great Holm, Milton Keynes MK8 9HN
Telephone: 01908 568446
Watling Vale Medical Centre
Address: Burchard Crescent, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes MK5 6EY
Telephone: 01908 501177
NHS Better Health - Every Mind Matters
Heads Up - Men's Mental Health Campaign
Staying Alive App - Suicide Prevention Resource
Website: StayAlive - Essential suicide prevention for everyday life
BLMK Keeping Well Service
Website: Home :: Keeping Well Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes (
MIND Suicide Prevention Pathway Service
Wellbeing Norfolk & Waveney and Wellbeing Suffolk
Wellbeing is important to us all. We want to feel good about ourselves, to get the most out of our lives and feel connected to other people. ‘Wellbeing’ means feeling more than just happy and confident, it means feeling able to cope when things get tough in our lives or when our physical health suffers.
Wellbeing Suffolk provide a range of support for people with common mental health and emotional issues, such as low mood, depression or stress. We work with you to help you make the necessary changes to improve your wellbeing and quality of life. Our services are free and are available for people aged 16 or over.
Website: Mental Health, Wellbeing and Emotional Support (
Telephone: 03001231503
Suffolk Mind
Our Approach to Mental Health
All of us have mental health, just as we have physical health. We are all on the mental health continuum – and we move up and down it depending on how we cope with the challenges of life and the stresses that it creates.
Suffolk Mind works across the continuum, from wellbeing to ‘severe and enduring’ mental ill-health, providing support & information for everyone.
To influence our services and products we use an ‘organising idea’: that we all have physical and emotional needs and a set of skills and resources that we’re born with to meet those needs. This is referred to as the Emotional Needs & Resources Model.
We have 12 physical and emotional needs, including attention, control, emotional connection, respect, food and drink, achievement, sleep, security, community, meaning and purpose, privacy, movement.
Website: Home - Suffolk Mind
Telephone: 0300 111 6000
Children and Young People's Emotional Wellbeing Hub
The Emotional Wellbeing Hub provides information, advice, and guidance if you are worried about the mental health of a child or young person aged 0-25 years, or you're a young person experiencing emotional wellbeing difficulties.
We are trialling a new service with Barnardo's
Barnardo’s are helping us to guide families and young people to emotional wellbeing support via a new phoneline service within the Emotional Wellbeing Hub as a way to try and help families get mental health support sooner.
Barnardo’s are helping to respond to families who contact the Hub looking for general wellbeing information and guidance to help address common emotional wellbeing issues in children and young people, such as anxiety, low mood or stess. Self-help resources to stay emotionally well, or signposting to support services.
The Hub service is only available to children and young people who live in East or West Suffolk. If you live in Lowesoft and Waveney contact the 'Just One' service. More information listed below.
Website: Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing Hub (East and West Suffolk) | Suffolk County Council
Telephone: 0345 600 2090
- Press option 2 for general wellbeing information and guidance from Barnardo’s trained callers. (Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).
- Press option 3 to make a referral to access specialist mental health services. (Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm).
For urgent mental health support outside our operating times and weekends contact First Response helpline on 0808 196 3494.
Just One Norfolk
For Emotional Health support in Lowestoft, Waveney and Norfolk.
Children & Young People's Emotional Health (
Parental Emotional Health (
Norfolk & Waveney - Mental Health Advice & Support for 0 -25’s (
Telephone: 0300 300 0123
Text Service (Parentline): 07520 631590
ChatHealth is a service available to young people throughout Suffolk aged 11-19, which lets you text a Suffolk school nurse to ask for confidential help and advice on all kinds of health issues. Including:
- Sexual health
- Emotional health and wellbeing
- Bullying
- Healthy eating
- Smoking, drugs and alcohol
- Self harm
- General health concerns
You can also use this text service to make an appointment with your school nurse.
You can Text a Suffolk school nurse confidentially on 07507 333356.
The service is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.30pm, excluding bank holidays.
We aim to reply to you within one working day and you should get an immediate auto-reply message to confirm we received your text.
If you text the number out of these hours, you’ll get a ‘bounce–back’ message that explains where to get help, and a school nurse will get back to you the next working day.
Young Minds
We’re leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. We’re here to make sure they get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s difficulties.
The crisis in children and young people’s mental health is real and it is urgent. More children and young people than ever before are reaching out for help with their mental health. But for those who take that brave step, help is much too hard to find.
Together, we are changing this. We’re fighting for young people’s mental health. Join our fight.
Our values
- We value every voice – Every voice is important and needs to be listened to
- We tell it as it is – We are always honest and straightforward
- We’re all about impact – We work together to make a life-changing difference
Suffolk User Forum
Suffolk User Forum (SUF) is an independent mental health user led involvement, peer support and advocacy organisation. Listening and giving people a voice is central to our work. Our support is designed around people’s individual needs, choices, and what matters to them. We promote the mentoring value of lived experience through meaningful coproduction and intervention-based support.
We Provide:
Advocacy Together – helping people at a time of mental health crisis to have their voice heard through inpatient mental health, non-statutory, peer-led advocacy, and support for self-advocacy.
Healthy Together peer support – helping people living with severe mental illness (SMI) through peer support to achieve personal identified healthcare goals following annual SMI health checks.
Peer telephone support – providing support to increase people’s mental health and wellbeing, building self-confidence and resilience, promoting connection, communities and reducing isolation.
Making our Voice Count – gathering people’s feedback and enabling an active user voice in the commissioning and delivery of mental health services, facilitating coproduction, and influencing decision making, valuing lived experience as an essential resource for service improvement.
Website: Mental Health and Wellbeing in Suffolk - Your Voice Matters (
There are a range of services available in Thurrock:
- visiting a mental health practitioner in a GP surgery Mental health therapists and practitioners - Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System (,
- via self-referral to talking therapy Refer yourself - Inclusion Thurrock
- or by contacting Thurrock First for information and advice about other mental health support available : Thurrock First | Adult social care help and advice | Thurrock Council
Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust (EPUT) provide care for more serious mental health problems such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: Essex Partnership University (
In addition, there are a number of community and voluntary organisations who can support with mental health concerns, including Thurrock and Brentwood MIND, Reach Out for Mental Health, Samaritans of Basildon & Thurrock and Mental Health and Wellbeing
SET-CAMHS (CYP) provides advice and support to children, young people and families who are in need of support with their emotional wellbeing or mental health difficulties.
The service covers Southend, Essex and Thurrock and is open to young people under the age of 18.
Southend, Essex and Thurrock (SET) CAMHS | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust
Open Door Services is a charity who provide counselling, mentoring and coaching for Children and Young people across Thurrock.
Open Door Services – Providing much needed services for people in Thurrock since 1978
Kooth is an interactive online platform, that provides counselling, self help and an online community for people aged 11-25.
The NHS Every Mind Matters website contains a range of national resources aimed to help us all look after our own mental health and wellbeing.