Did you know that men and women are advised not to drink more than 14 units per week. By reducing your alcohol intake to less than 14 units a week, this is considered low-risk drinking. It's called "low risk" rather than "safe" because there is no safe drinking level.
Benefits of Cutting Down
There are so many benefits to reducing your alcohol consumption, some you may expect and others that may be a welcome surprise. Not only is it good for your general health, improving your appearance and how you feel, drinking less will have a positive impact on other aspects of your life including your relationships and work.
Very Brief Intervention
Do you mind if I ask you a question about alcohol?
This question may be promoted from some verbal or visual prompts i.e. the person has stated that they have a hangover or there is evidence of drinking in the home etc
How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
If the answer given indicates around 4 or more times a week you may wish to consider asking how many drinks do they have on each of these occasions, explain that unit measures can be quite confusing and offer to explain a simple unit measurement guide.
The principle behind understanding units and applying these to the guideline is important. Essentially, the greater the dose consumed, the greater the chance of unwanted effects.
This is one unit...
The Chief Medical Officers (CMO) guideline for both men and women states that:
To keep health risks from alcohol to a low level it is safest not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis
If you regularly drink as much as 14 units per week, it's best to spread your drinking evenly over three or more days
If you wish to cut down the amount you drink, a good way to help achieve this is to have several drink-free days a week.
Healthcare professionals are advised to use the questions within the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test Consumption (AUDIT C)
State some of many benefits to reducing alcohol intake
Save Money
Improved relationships
Reduce calorie intake/lose weight
Improved fertility if you are trying for a baby
Improved sleep
Reduced risk of injury
Fewer hangovers
More alert and higher performing at work
Reduced risk of high blood presure
Reduced risk of cancer
Reduced risk of liver disease
Do you think you would benefit from some further support to reduce your drinking to 'lower risk' levels?
Speak to your GP, a loved one or call Drinkline 0300 1231110 (Mon-Fri 9am - 8pm, weekends 11am - 4pm). The Drinkline service provides free, confidential, accurate and consistent information and advice to callers who are concerned about their own or someone else`s drinking regardless of the caller`s age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity or spirituality.
The 'One You' drinks tracker app makes it easy to keep an eye on the booze and take control with daily tips and feedback.
NHS Better Health have a 'Drink Free Days' app and tips on how to reduce alcohol consumption.
Mutual Aid services including twelve step programmes and Smart Recovery are available to anyone who wants support to address their drug or alcohol use. You can find a meeting here:
Make a plan Before you start drinking, set a limit on how much you're going to drink.
Set a budget Only take a fixed amount of money to spend on alcohol.
Let them know If you let your friends and family know you're cutting down and it's important to you, you could get support from them.
Take it a day at a time Cut back a little each day. That way, every day you do is a success.
Make it a smaller one You can still enjoy a drink, but go for smaller sizes. Try bottled beer instead of pints, or a small glass of wine instead of a large one.
Have a lower-strength drink Cut down the alcohol by swapping strong beers or wines for ones with a lower strength (ABV in %). You'll find this information on the bottle.
Stay hydrated Have a glass of water before you have alcohol and alternate alcoholic drinks with water or a soft drink.
Take a break Have several drink-free days each week.
Local Support and Contact Details
CGL - St Luke's Service
St Luke's Service is a free and confidential drug and alcohol service for adults in Barking and Dagenham. They make support accessible and remove the stigma of substance misuse issues, using a trauma informed approach. They have several satellites across the borough.
Subwize is a vibrant community facing young people's drug and alcohol service. They provide a range of prevention and treatment services aimed at preventing young people from engaging in substance misusing and risk-taking behaviours. They enable young people to develop boundaries, emotional resilience and self-esteem, actively support young people to reduce and/or stop harmful behaviours such as drug and alcohol use, encouraging prosocial and healthy alternatives. It is open for young people under the age of 21 with a transition group for those between 21 and 24.
Address: Subwize, The Vibe, 195-211 Becontree Avenue, Dagenham, RM8 2UT.
Change Grow Live Barnet
Change Grow Live Barnet is the local service for adults and young people who are experiencing issues with drugs or alcohol.
The service is free and open to all Barnet residents, as well as their families and carers. Any professional, such as a housing support worker, social worker or a nurse, can make a referral on your behalf or you can get in touch yourself.
General Email: For general enquiries, email Barnet.Info@cgl.org.uk(Please be advised that this email address should not be used to send confidential information). Should any confidential information need to be sent, please use the secure email: barnet.info@cgl.cjsm.net
You will be able to talk to one of the duty team practitioners who will help you decide which service best meets your needs. The team will then work with you to create a care plan, which will be reviewed regularly.
Address: Change Grow Live Barnet, Unit 10, Breasy Place, 9 Burroughs Gardens, London, NW4 4AU
Drinkcoach Barnet
If you would like information and advice about your alcohol intake, why not take thefree online alcohol test at Drinkcoach. Provide details of your alcohol intake, and receive advice about your drinking.
You can also speak with an experienced alcohol specialist via online coaching sessions, a convenient and confidential way to discuss your drinking and receive expert guidance. Bookings can be made at a time that suits you, including evenings and weekends. No waiting lists, no travel time, with sessions happening in a place that suits you.
Alternatively, you can contact your GP practice for further support.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust - Adults
This service provides support to those aged 18 and over who are experiencing difficulties with drug and/or alcohol use. The service will work with you to achieve your goals and improve your quality of life. Support is also available for carers and family members who are affected by other's substance misuse. A number of drop-in sessions are available or please phone for more information.
Address: Erith Health Centre, 50 Pier Road, Erith, DA8 1RQ.
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust - Young People
This service provides an assessment and treatment service for children and young people aged under 18 who are experiencing difficulties with drugs and/or alcohol.
This is a specialist service and referrals made by other professionals working with the young person (e.g. social workers, teachers, GPs, school nurses, youth workers, etc) are recommended, however self referrals are also welcomed.
For information on support services across Bexley, please also search our community directory- https://connectedbexley.co.uk/
The information below was reviewed and updated on 6th March 2025
VIA - New Beginnings
New Beginnings is a fully integrated substance misuse service offering free and confidential support for individuals and their families affected by drug and alcohol problems. It is delivered by v-i-a in conjunction with Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) and the Brent service user organisation - B3.
The specialist team includes substance misuse workers, doctors, nurses and psychologists, as well as volunteers and peer mentors. The service is free and open to all Brent residents aged 18 or over, as well as their families and carers. Self-referrals are welcome, as well as referrals from any professional, such as housing support worker, social worker or nurse.
The service includes:
Advice about your health and wellbeing
Regular sessions with your personal keyworker
A range of different support groups (including a 12-week abstinence day programme)
Weekend drop-in support provided by service user group, B3
Looking ahead to what might be next for you: motivational programmes, education, training and employment support, peer mentoring and volunteering.
Evening appointments, online groups, and telephone or video sessions are also available.
Elev8 - New Beginnings Young People’s Service (age 25 and under)
Free and friendly drug, alcohol & mental wellbeing service for young people (25 years old or under) who live or study in Brent.
Advice and information around your health and wellbeing.
Private and confidential sessions with your own support worker (in-person and online).
Help to make better decisions about your drinking or drug use.
Help to get other support you might need.
They can meet at a location that works for you – such as your school, college, youth club or a safe space in your local community – and at a time that suits you.
Free and confidential help for young people in Brent
B-3, The Brent Substance Misuse Service User Council
B-3 members have all made use of substance misuse services for support and are now commissioned by Public Health at Brent Council to run Brent's weekend substance misuse support service (BSAFE), a personal development programme (Recovery Champions) and take an active part in wider service and community development.
B-3 aims to:-
Raise awareness of drug and alcohol issues through information and education.
Provide a voice and support for service users.
Improve services in Brent through community feedback, partnership work, training and service user involvement.
'Fellowship', 'Mutual Aid' and '12 step' style support groups
These groups offer peer support to people starting and/or maintaining their recovery from addiction, some are focussed on those directly experiencing the addiction, others offer support for the family and friends of those living with addiction. Some may be group meetings in Brent, however as many groups also now host meetings on-line and some people prefer to travel to their meeting, rather than list any Borough specific groups, below are links to some UK wide websites, from which local and online meetings can be discovered.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) - Alcoholics helping and supporting each other, working together to find strength and hope. www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk 0800 9177 650
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) - A community of people who support each other to achieve and maintain a drug free life. www.ukna.org 0300 999 1212
Cocaine Anonymous (CA) - A fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction. www.cauk.org.uk 0888 612 0225
Families Anonymous (Fam-anon) - a fellowship of family members and friends affected by another's abuse of mind altering substances, or related behavioural problems. www.famanon.org.uk
NACOA - Providing information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent’s drinking www.nacoa.org.uk 0800358 3456
ADFAM - Supporting people affected by someone else's drinking, drug use or gambling adfam.org.uk
To suggest any amendments to the information about services in Brent, please email sandy.youngson@brent.gov.uk
Change Grow Live (CGL) Bromley - Adults Drug & Alcohol Service
Change Grow Live (CGL) Bromley is a Public Health commissioned service that offers a range of treatment and support for adults aged 18+ who have concerns about their drug or alcohol use and are residents in the borough of Bromley.
Access to the service can be made by self-referral or from partner agencies. From here users of the service can access the amalgamated drug and alcohol recovery programmes.
Address: The main service is located at Regency House, 34-49 Farwig Lane, Bromley BR1 3RE.
Change Grow Live (CGL) Bromley Changes - Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service
Bromley Changes is Bromley's young people's service run by the organisation CGL (Change Grow Live). It works with children and young people aged 10 – 18 years who live, study or work in Bromley and their families – parents, carers, grandparents and siblings who may be affected.
It is a free andconfidentialservice for young people.
Bromley Changes will arrange to meet you at a convenient location, to assess your needs.
If you are a worried about a young person's drug or alcohol use, contact the service for advice, information and support.
We know that substance misuse affects more than just the individual. It also takes its toll on family, friends, partners and children.
We provide a free and confidential support service working with the families and carers of anyone who has been affected by drugs or alcohol in the borough.
After an initial assessment, you can attend peer support groups and be referred for one-to-one counselling.
Telephone: 020 8313 9673
Digital Support Tool - Lower My Drinking
The free interactive tool to help Bromley residents consider their alcohol consumption and manage a healthier relationship with alcohol.
Lower My Drinking is commissioned by Public Health, providing residents aged 18 or over with help to identify the risks associated with their level of drinking and suggestions they can take to stay in control of their relationship with alcohol.
Bromley residents can try the free, short, anonymised Lower My Drinking quiz. The quiz only takes a few minutes to complete and returns tailored information and tips to help keep alcohol consumption within the low-risk guidelines.
This tool is not appropriate for residents that are alcohol dependant, please contact Bromley’s local community alcohol service (see above), Change Grow Live Bromley (CGL), email: referrals.bromley@cgl.org.uk or call the service on: 020 8289 1999.
Support for Camden residents
Change Grow Live offer drug and alcohol support anyone living or registered with a GP in Camden, including:
advice on keeping safe
emotional support and counselling
group work
online courses
medically assisted treatment
access to different detox and rehab options
peer support
recovery support, including education, training and employment advice
FWD support young people across Camden who want to find out more about drug use, including alcohol. They work with young people aged 8 to 25 years old who are registered with a Camden GP, a resident in Camden or attend school in Camden. They also work with looked after young people placed with carers outside of the borough.
Delivered by Turning Point in partnership with Mind CHWFand Antidote, City and Hackney Recovery Serviceoffers free, confidential and accessible substance misuse support and treatment to all Hackney residents.
Experienced staff within City and Hackney Recovery Service understand people have different support and treatment needs around the use of illicit drugs and alcohol and provide a full range of services from harm reduction interventions, to participating in more structured treatment, one-to-one support and clinical services.
Referrals into detox and rehabilitation services are always made as part of a care package to prepare individuals for inpatient treatment and to ensure there is aftercare for sustained recovery.
We will regularly review your care plan with you and adjust the plan to make sure you always receive the appropriate support at the appropriate time.
City and Hackney Recovery Service prioritises providing support for carers and families, benefits advice and re-integration activities delivering excellent women-only services, LGBTQA+ specific services, rough sleepers services, clear pathways from the criminal justice system into treatment, education and training. Recovery Workers also deliver treatment in partnership with your GP.
Find support services is here to help residents (or those acting on their behalf) find support, advice, classes and activities run by the local community and voluntary sector in Hackney and the City. It is a system-wide initiative between Hackney Council, City of London and the NHS.
Help comes in many forms. Some people may feel isolated and want a chat; others might be determined to join an exercise class; or decide that this is the time to pick up a new skill or lose an old habit. Some may require specialist advice around finances or employment, or may be concerned about domestic abuse or addiction. Click here to use Find Support Services to find local organisations that can help nearest you!
Change Grow Live (Alcohol and Drugs)
For adults 18+ with a drug or alcohol issue who are registered with a GP in Croydon. An individual recovery plan will be created with you. Support is also offered to friends and family of people who use substances. Opening times: Mon: 10am - 2pm; Tues: 10am - 7pm; Wed: 12pm - 5pm; Thurs: 10am - 7pm; Fri: 10am - 5pm; Sat: 10am - 3pm; Sun: closed. You can self refer or be referred by a professional by phone, online, or drop in.
If you’re ready to cut down on how much alcohol you drink, then Live Well Croydon can help.
Live Well Croydon is our free 12 week programme designed to help Croydon residents improve their health and wellbeing. You must be aged 18+ and willing to commit to a 12 week programme.
Our advisers are trained in helping people tackle unhealthy habits, which could be having a negative impact on their daily life or affecting relationships with family and friends.
If you have struggled in making these changes in the past, our Live Well programme can help you to succeed this time.
Over 12 weeks, our advisers will:
help you to take a fresh look at your drinking and set goals
provide face to face, telephone or video call support to boost your chances of success
Go to the Live Well website and undertake the health MOT to see if you are eligible.
For young people with a drug or alcohol issue. You can self refer or be referred by another professional by phone, online, or drop in. Opening times: Mon - Fri: 9.00am - 5.00pm. Sun: Closed.
RISE is Ealing's integrated treatment system for adults with drug and/or alcohol problems living in Ealing. They provide a range of intensive treatment and rehabilitation services designed to meet individual needs and support the family/carers of the service user.
EASY is a support service for young people using drugs and alcohol. Support includes: advice, information, one-to-one sessions, group work, and regular appointments. The young person can choose where to meet the worker. When they book an appointment, they can choose what location might be best for them, for example at school or a local youth centre.
We provide specialist treatment to anybody over the age of 18 living in Enfield who is worried about their alcohol or drugs use. We are open at our Claverings, Enfield site Monday to Friday 10:00hrs to 16:00hrs or at our Vincent House site Wednesday 16:00hrs to 19:00hrs. You can be referred by your GP or any professional agency or self refer.
Claverings, 12 Centre Way, Edmonton, London, N9 0AH.
Vincent House , 2e Nags Head Road Ponders End, EN3 7FN.
Enfield Sort it! Compass
Enfield Sort it! Compass is a free and confidential young people’s drug and alcohol treatment service for those up to the age of 18 who live in the borough of Enfield.
Compass supports young people to make positive health and lifestyle changes through interventions including talk therapies, advice, information and group work. Compass works together with the young person to create tailored care plans, putting them in control of their care.
Enfield Sort It! can accept referrals from the young person themselves, a concerned friend or family member, as well as from professionals who the young person is working with (the young person must consent to this). Referrals can be made by phone, by visiting the office or by using a referral form. If you feel you just need to talk it through anonymously, you can call the service for a confidential and informal conversation.
VIA Drugs and Alcohol Services Greenwich offers free and confidential help for local residents aged 18+
Local residents can call VIA or visit their website to access information on support and treatment for drug and alcohol use: Greenwich - via (viaorg.uk)
If you are worried about your drinking and want to find out how to make changes, take this quick quiz.It gives you useful information on what you can do and where you can get help and support if you need it.
If you are 18 or under, a care leaver aged 18-21, or up to 25 (disabled, SEND, and looked after child) you can contact the Young Peoples Substance Misuse Service.
Delivered by Turning Point in partnership with Mind CHWFand Antidote, City and Hackney Recovery Service offers free, confidential and accessible substance misuse support and treatment to all Hackney residents.
Experienced staff within City and Hackney Recovery Service understand people have different support and treatment needs around the use of illicit drugs and alcohol and provide a full range of services from harm reduction interventions, to participating in more structured treatment, one-to-one support and clinical services.
Referrals into detox and rehabilitation services are always made as part of a care package to prepare individuals for inpatient treatment and to ensure there is aftercare for sustained recovery.
We will regularly review your care plan with you and adjust the plan to make sure you always receive the appropriate support at the appropriate time.
City and Hackney Recovery Service prioritises providing support for carers and families, benefits advice and re-integration activities delivering excellent women-only services, LGBTQA+ specific services, rough sleepers services, clear pathways from the criminal justice system into treatment, education and training. Recovery Workers also deliver treatment in partnership with your GP.
If you have any questions about alcohol and drugs and don’t know who to ask – the Young Hackney Substance Misuse team can help.
Maybe you want to know about the effects of drugs, what to do if you feel under pressure to take drugs or drink, or how to help a friend you think might have a problem with drugs or alcohol. It’s a free and confidential service for anyone aged under 25.
For more information and to contact the service, please visit our website.
Find support services is here to help residents (or those acting on their behalf) find support, advice, classes and activities run by the local community and voluntary sector in Hackney and the City. It is a system-wide initiative between Hackney Council, City of London and the NHS.
Help comes in many forms. Some people may feel isolated and want a chat; others might be determined to join an exercise class; or decide that this is the time to pick up a new skill or lose an old habit. Some may require specialist advice around finances or employment, or may be concerned about domestic abuse or addiction. Click here to use Find Support Services to find local organisations that can help nearest you!
Turning Point Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Service (DAWS)
The Turning Point Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Service (DAWS) is a free, confidential service for residents of Hammersmith and Fulham aged 18 and over needing support and practical help to manage problematic use of drugs and alcohol.
DAWS provide services ranging from one-to-one key working, to group work, prescribing, and in-patient options. The DAWS team will work with individuals to create a support plan based on their circumstances.
They also provide specialise support for the friends and family of drug users as well as targeted services for women.
Referrals: individuals or professionals can refer via the phone number or online referral form at the website link above.
Resilience is an integrated service dedicated to young people under 25 for support around Substance Use and/or Sexual Health. The service provides 1-1 support which can take place on a site convenient for the young person and at White City Community Centre.
HAGA offer support and advice to people in Haringey affected by alcohol addiction. Services include confidential advice and support, individual counselling and group sessions.
Address: 590 Seven Sisters Road, London, N15 6HR. (Opening times: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.)
Bring Unity Back into the Community (BUBIC)
A local community drug and alcohol service set up by ex-drug users. They run support groups, a café, one to one advice, support to carers and other activities across Haringey to help people overcome problematic drug use.
The adult substance misuse service is delivered byVIA. They provide a service to Harrow residents, aged 18 and over, and their families and carers. The service is focused on recovery.
The services available include:
drug and alcohol testing services.
clinic based and outreach work - providing screening and assessment
aftercare skills for life, providing education, training and employment
prescribing medicine to assist recovery
dual diagnosis counselling and consumption service supervised by a pharmacy
criminal justice and psychosocial interventions - hospital liaison service
A free, confidential service for children and young people who need support around their own or another person’s drug or alcohol (substance) use. Young people under 18 years of age can be referred to us and we can then work with them up to the age of 24.
Aspire offer a free and confidential support service for individuals and their families affected by drug and alcohol problems. We operate from our bases on Romford High Street, as well as across other locations in Havering. Our service is free and open to anyone living in Havering aged 18 or over.
We focus on your recovery, and we'll design the treatment to help you achieve your goals. We offer:
Harm reduction advice
Access to substitute medication
Referrals to residential and community detoxes and residential rehab
One-to-one advice and group work programmes with specialist workers
At the moment, due to coronavirus, we're doing initial assessments over the phone or online. If you really need to, we can see you face to face.
Addictions Recovery Community Hillingdon (ARCH) - CNWL
Addictions Recovery Community Hillingdon (ARCH) - CNWL
This free and confidential service which is available to young people and adults who live or are registered with a GP in Hillingdon. Many people turn to drink or drugs as a way of dealing with negative feelings, such as depression, stress, trauma or anxiety.
ARCH work with people at any stage of their alcohol or drug difficulties to provide a single point of access to assessment and treatment, for problems.
ARCH recognise the importance of providing treatment for both the substance misuse problem, as well as any associated emotional / mental health issues. At ARCH, employs; nurses, doctors, recovery workers, social workers, occupational therapists and clinical psychologists. We also offer an accredited peer mentor programme and provide volunteering opportunities and activities for all service users.
Address: Old Bank House, 64 High Street Uxbridge, Greater London, UB8 1JP.
Addiction Recovery Community (ARC) Hounslow - CNWL
ARC Hounslow is a service provided in partnership by CNWL and Phoenix Futures as a free and confidential service for people who live in the London Borough of Hounslow.
The service helps people break a cycle of addiction to substances such as heroin, cocaine, and new psychoactive substance as well as long term alcohol addiction. Many people turn to drink or drugs as a way of dealing with negative feelings, such as depression, stress, trauma or anxiety.
HYPE (Hounslow Young People Engaged) is the new-look Young People’s Drug and Alcohol service for the London Borough of Hounslow. It was previously known as Visions. The service works with young people under the age of 18 whose lives are affected by drugs and alcohol, including young people who have been affected by the negative experience of parental substance misuse.
We understand if drugs and alcohol are impacting on your life. We can work with you to provide you with treatment options that suit you.
Better Lives - Islington's Drug and Alcohol Service
Better Lives is an integrated drug and alcohol service delivered by Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with WDP and Blenheim. We offer a free and confidential support service for individuals and their families affected by drug and alcohol problems.
The Alcohol Service provides support to anyone affected by alcohol use. They will work together with you to create a support plan to help you achieve your goals, meeting at a convenient venue for you, such as your local GP practice. Whether you are looking to stop drinking or cut down, or you have issues with the drinking behaviour of someone close to you, the Alcohol Service can support you to make changes and improve your lifestyle.
We're here to help you to address your drug and/or alcohol use, through one to one or group sessions. We can support you to quit, cut down, or manage your drinking or drug use: what happens is up to you.
The Club Drug Clinic is delivered through Central and North West London Mental Health Trust (CNWL) and is focussed on delivering specialised harm reduction and treatment services to residents who are using novel psychoactive substances problematically, have linked physical or psychological health problems, or who need formal treatment interventions to resolve their addiction.
Insight KC offers a free, friendly and confidential support service to young people living in Kensington and Chelsea aged between 12 and 25 with or affected by drug or alcohol issues as well as providing a stop smoking service.
Address: 51 Golborne Road, Ladbroke Grove, London, W10 5NR.
The School Health Service
The School Health service provides specialist public health nursing, advice, support and health promotion activities to school-age children and young people within state funded schools to promote their health and wellbeing
Kingston Wellbeing Service is for individuals aged 18 years and over who live in the borough of Kingston upon Thames or who are registered with a Kingston GP and provides tailored support to people experiencing problems with drug and alcohol use. They work with individuals at any stage of their recovery and is delivered by a team of dedicated and skilled professionals including Recovery Practitioners, Outreach Workers, Nurses, a Consultant Psychiatrist and Specialist Doctors.
The service offers:
Assessment and personal recovery care plans developed with each individual
Advice and information on reducing harm
Specialist detoxification programmes and referral to residential detoxification and rehabilitation programmes
One-to-one and group therapies aimed at reaching the core of the problem, creating ways to deal with cravings and avoid repeating past mistakes
Group activities and social networks, e.g., men and women’s and ‘routes to recovery’ groups
Address: Surbiton Health Centre, Ewell Road, Surbiton, KT6 6EZ.
Young People's Substance Misuse Service
The Young People’s Substance Misuse service is a team of specialist practitioners who work with young people at tier 3 level on a 1:1 basis focusing on the young person’s substance use and tailoring the work to their specific lifestyle and needs.
Connected Kingston is a local support website for people living and working in Kingston. Find advice and support services that can help you get started.
Getting It On is dedicated to helping teenagers in South West London. We provide information and advice on key issues, including drugs and alcohol. Whatever the issue, hopefully our website can offer advice, or point you in the right direction to get the help you need.
DASH Lambeth is a drugs, alcohol and sexual health integrated service. The service supports young people under 21 and is delivered in a range of community venues across the borough. Lambeth is part of the London Healthy Schools programme and the local authority employs a PSHE, EHWB and healthy schools co-ordinator to work with schools.
New Direction provides a flexible and confidential treatment and support service for adults with substance misuse issues living in Lewisham. Our service has a team that includes recovery workers, doctors, recovery nurses, counsellors, complementary therapists, volunteers and peer mentors.
Our service helps people to make and sustain the changes they need to reduce, and ultimately, stop their drug and alcohol use. We aim to empower service users to identify and realise their goals throughout their recovery journey to a healthier, safer life.
Address: 410 Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 6LJ.
Lewisham Primary Care Recovery Service
Lewisham Primary Care Recovery Service (PCRS) provides provides confidential drug and alcohol support services for people living in Lewisham. If you are using drugs or alcohol more than you would like, a specialist PCRS worker will help you develop a treatment plan. We also offer an aftercare service that provides support and advice to people working on their recovery from drugs and/or alcohol, by building resilience and relapse prevention; alongside opportunities to gain and build skills to move on and out of treatment.
What we do: The service provides integrated drug and alcohol interventions, including Opioid Substitute Therapy (OST) working alongside GPs and pharmacists. The service also offers assessments, titration, detox, alcohol services, brief interventions and nurse-led community detoxifications. The service also provides intensive key working, group work, BBV screening and onward referrals.
Address: 55 Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, SE23 3HN.
Insight Lewisham
Insight Lewisham offers a free, friendly and confidential young people’s support service for people under the age of 25. Our service provides information, advice and help for young people who are impacted by or living with drug and alcohol issues, as well as guidance and support with sexual health and relationships. The service is open to young people living in the London borough of Lewisham, as well as family, friends and carers of those affected by someone’s drug and alcohol use.
We can meet you in the community or at our service, and your key worker will work with you on any issues that will enable you to move forward with your life in a positive way. We understand everyone is individual and have a range of options to suit everyone
WDP Merton is a fully integrated, recovery-focused service delivered by WDP. We offer a free and confidential treatment and support for individuals and their families affected by drug and alcohol problems.
The specialist team includes substance misuse workers, doctors, nurses, as well as volunteers and peer mentors.
This specialist service aims to increase young people’s engagement in diversionary activities that support reductions in the use of substances and promote sexual health and positive health choices. Early intervention, prevention and resilience building activities are offered along with the direct provision of specialist substance misuse treatment for young people aged up to 24-years-old.
Address: The Chaucer Centre, Canterbury Road, Morden, London, SM4 6PX
Well Newham Website
Please visit the Well Newham Website here for information about all the alcohol and drug support available in Newham.
WDP R3 - Adults
R3 is a fully integrated, recovery-focused service delivered by Westminster Drug Project (WDP). We offer confidential support and treatment for individuals and their families affected by drug and alcohol problems. The service is free and open to all Redbridge residents aged 18 or over, as well as their families and carers.
We work with young people under the age of 18 who live in Redbridge or attend schools and colleges in the borough. We are flexible and can meet at a location accessible to our service users, such as schools, youth clubs or other local venues.
Richmond Community Drug and Alcohol Service (known as RCDAS). The service is a consortium of providers and is led by South London and the Maudsley Mental Health Foundation Trust. We Are With You (formerly 'Addaction'), St Mungo's and CDARS make up the rest of the service.
Telephone: 0333 300 2100 (SHSWL @ Off The Record or SHSWL @ The Acorn practice)
Alternatively, you can call the Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service for Kingston and Richmond on the number below.
Telephone: 020 8547 6920
Change, Grow, Live (CGL)
If you, or someone you know, would like support around drug and/or alcohol use please contact the council’s all age drug and alcohol treatment service.
Inspire is a community drug and alcohol service for anyone over the age of 18 living in the London Borough of Sutton. You can refer yourself or be referred by your GP, housing provider, probation and other professionals.
Address: Orion House, 19 Cedar Road, Sutton, SM2 5JG.
Here4YOUth Sutton
Here4YOUth is a young person’s alcohol and drug service for anyone up to the age of 18 living in Sutton. You can also get in touch via our online referral system, or if you would feel more comfortable to meet a member of the team in an environment you are more familiar with, please do not hesitate to ask. Here4YOUth can also offer online and video chat appointments and meet you out of hours.
The referral form for Here4YOUth can be found here.
Address: Orion House, 19 Cedar Road, Sutton, SM2 5JG.
RESET, Tower Hamlets Drugs and Alcohol Service
Reset is an integrated service which provides drug and alcohol treatment to Tower Hamlets residents aged 18 or over and support to family and friends who are concerned about someone’s drug and/or alcohol use.
Support offered includes: advice and information for people who use drugs and/or alcohol and concerned others, community opiate substitute therapy and alcohol detoxification, healthcare assessments, testing for HIV, hepatitis B, C. Hepatitis B vaccination, access to needle exchange, assessment for residential detoxification and rehabilitation services, counselling and 1:1 keyworking support for clients experiencing domestic violence, onward referral to further support services as required, signposting and access to mutual aid groups such as AA, NA and Smart Recovery.
The Tower Hamlets Integrated Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Service provides sexual health and substance misuse services to young people. Based on a hub and spoke model (a central clinical hub providing nurse-led care (e.g. insertion of long-acting reversible contraception) and ‘spoke’ venues in youth-friendly locations (e.g. youth centres and primary care venues) the service has been built around the needs of young people. It aims to offer a universal, targeted and specialist service that is welcoming, accessible and prevention-focused. It also works in partnership with schools, families and communities to help build young people’s resilience and life skills.
Address: Safe East Clinical Hub, 59 Mile End Road, Mile End, E1 4TT.
CGL Waltham Forest
CGL Waltham Forest provide drug and alcohol treatment and support services for children and adults who want to recover or change. CGL works at all levels, from prevention and early engagement, through to recovery. They support clients who may also be dealing with other issues and offer a range of 'wrap around' services.
Open access: Monday: 10am - 4pm Friday: 10am - 4pm
CGL have an anonymous webchat service that young people, parents, concerned others and professionals can access Monday to Friday 1-4pm, via the CGL YP website: https://www.changegrowlive.org/young-peoples-drug-alcohol-service-waltham-forest/info#opening
Address: 201-203 Lavender Hill, Wandsworth, London, SW11 5TB.
The Alcohol Service
The Alcohol Service provides support to anyone affected by alcohol use. They will work together with you to create a support plan to help you achieve your goals, meeting at a convenient venue for you, such as your local GP practice. Whether you are looking to stop drinking or cut down, or you have issues with the drinking behaviour of someone close to you, the Alcohol Service can support you to make changes and improve your lifestyle.
We're here to help you to address your drug and/or alcohol use, through one to one or group sessions. We can support you to quit, cut down, or manage your drinking or drug use: what happens is up to you.
The Club Drug Clinic (CDC) delivered through Central and North West London Mental Health Trust (CNWL) is focused on delivering specialised harm reduction and treatment services to residents who are using novel psychoactive substances problematically, have linked physical or psychological health problems, or who need formal treatment interventions to resolve their addiction.
Insight Westminster offers a free, friendly and confidential support service to young people in Westminster aged between 12 and 25 with or affected by drug or alcohol issues as well as providing a stop smoking service. The service is available to young people living or attending schools within Westminster.
Address: 51 Golborne Road, Ladbroke Grove, London, W10 5NR.
The School Health Service
The School Health service provides specialist public health nursing, advice, support and health promotion activities to school-age children and young people within state funded schools to promote their health and wellbeing.