If an applicant has nowhere to sleep during the waiting period it may be possible for them to access emergency accommodation via No Second Night Out (NSNO).
Tel: 01904 416562 / 01904 554500
Today someone will become homeless, tonight, someone will sleep rough for the first time. It will be cold, uncomfortable, lonely and potentially life threatening. They may face abuse or violence.
We all can do something to help.
You can use the MECC approach to help someone that you are concerned about. Contacting a local support organisation or an outreach service, could potentially save someone from homelessness and will help them find a safe shelter quicker.
Duty to refer
Some organisations have a ‘Duty to refer’.
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 significantly reformed England’s homelessness legislation by placing duties on local housing authorities to intervene at earlier stages to prevent homelessness in their areas, and to provide homelessness services to all those who are eligible.
Additionally, the Act introduced a duty on specified public authorities to refer service users who they think may be homeless or threatened with homelessness to local authority homelessness/housing options teams. Public authorities with a duty to refer in England are:
The new duty requires the specified public authorities to identify and refer a service user who is homeless or may be threatened with homelessness, to a local housing authority of the service user’s choice.
The service user must consent to the referral being made. The consent can be made in writing or given orally, although the person referring should follow the agreed processes set out in their agency’s internal guidance, if applicable.
A person is considered homeless if:
Someone is defined as being threatened with homelessness where they are likely to become homeless within 56 days, or have been served with a valid notice under section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 by their landlord, which expires within 56 days.
Full details on the Duty to refer are available here.
Not sure which local council you need? You can find out straight away from a postcode here.
It can often be hard to know what to say to someone homeless. We may feel awkward, and in some cases end up not saying anything at all.
Reaching out to someone who we think may be at risk of homelessness or who is already living on the street can be so impactful, treat them how you’d like to be treated, it’s never nice to be ignored!
Its O.K to explain that you don’t have anything to give, most people just want to be talked to, it doesn’t matter what it’s about.
If you’re unsure what to say, just ask ‘are you alright?’ “do you need any help?” have you got a safe place to go to?
There are small amounts of aggressive beggars that will ask for money, generally these are the few people that harassing people in the streets and you shouldn’t try to engage with these people.
Beyond talking, what can you do to help?
If you think the person you are concerned about is in immediate danger or needs urgent care, please call 999.
Whilst there are some amazing national services available, we recommend a local first approach. A list of local services can be found at the foot of this text
Street Link is a national service which can be used by members of the public if they see people sleeping rough. Referrals can be made using the hotline (0300 500 0914) or online at Street Link.
This service aims to connect rough sleepers with appropriate services, both statutory and voluntary. Local resources for rough sleepers vary greatly across the country. They can include day centres, contact and assessment teams, soup kitchens and soup runs. Details of such resources can often be obtained by contacting local authorities.
Street assessment teams give rough sleepers information about available health care, night shelters and hostels, and other resources for homeless people. Some hostels and night shelters will only take referrals from a contact and assessment team worker. Some outreach teams will work with people on a long-term basis.
Information on over 9,000 services - hostels, day centres and other advice and support services for homeless people and those at risk of homelessness can be found at: www.homelessuk.org/
Not sure which local authority area to choose? If you know a postcode you can check which local authority area here.
Barnsley MBC - Housing
The website has lots of links to other useful websites and information including council housing, affordable housing and buying your council house.
Web: https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/housing/
Berneslai Homes
Berneslai Homes is an arms-length management organisation (ALMO) responsible for managing around 18,500 homes on behalf of Barnsley Council.
They are responsible for:
You can contact Berneslai Homes by phoning 01226 787878.
Or, visit the website: https://www.berneslaihomes.co.uk/
Winter fuel payment
If you were born before 26 September 1956 you could get between £250 and £600 to help you pay your heating bills. This is known as a ‘Winter Fuel Payment’.
The amount you get includes a ‘Pensioner Cost of Living Payment’. This is between £150 and £300. You’ll get this extra amount in both winter 2022 to 2023 and winter 2023 to 2024. This is in addition to any other Cost of Living Payments you get with your benefit or tax credits. Find out more here.
Barnsley Council offer support and help whether you're homeless or worried about becoming homeless. On the council website you will be able to see lots of advise as well as further contact information.
Web: https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/housing/homeless-and-housing-advice/
Cost of Living Site
Up to date Cost of Living Support in the Bradford District
Web: https://costoflivingbradford.co.uk/
Wellbeing Hubs
Wellbeing Hubs are community-based centres where trained, professional staff provide person-centred rapid access to free specialist advice and support. They can support you to reach a happier and healthier life and can help with topics such as:
There are 6 hubs across the district and you can you to any of them:
Find out more:
Web: https://wellbeingnetwork.org.uk/
Housing Options Service
The Housing Options Team which provides advice and assistance to those in housing need.
They offer a free and confidential service. Our specially trained team can help with all sorts of housing related problems. Together we can look at your situation and decide on the best way to help you tackle your problems to enjoy trouble-free housing.
Services offered: Assessment of entitlement to housing for people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. Assistance with finding accommodation for people in priority need. Temporary accommodation may be available while enquiries are made about eligibility. General housing advice and information for private tenants, housing association and council tenants and homeless people.
Any approach to Housing Options as homeless or threatened with homelessness will result in an assessment of needs and circumstances. This will progress on to working with the person to agree a Personal Housing Plan where the service is satisfied that they are eligible and homeless or threatened with homelessness within 56 days.
Tel: 01274 435999
Email: housingoptions@bradford.gov.uk
Address: Britannia House, Bradford, BD1 1HX.
Duty to refer
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 introduced a duty on specified public authorities to refer service users who they think may be homeless or threatened with homelessness in the next 56 days to local authority homelessness/housing options teams. Before making a referral, written consent from the individual to make the referral and consent to share their contact details with that authority is needed.
Details on how to refer are available at here.
Referrals should include:
Email: dutytorefer@bradford.gov.uk
Bradford Homelessness Outreach Partnership (HOP)
The HOP is a commissioned outreach service which includes a team of specialists in housing, healthcare and dual diagnosis supporting rough sleepers. The aim of this service is to provide better and faster access to a range of services including housing.
The HOP complete daily outreach to identify those rough sleeping but will also actively seek referrals from all agencies.
Lead Coordinator, Claire Flannigan, Tel: 07852041419
Email: bradfordhop@hortonhousing.co.uk
Salvation Army Day Centre
The commissioned day centre based at Bradford the Orchard: 371 Leeds Road, Bradford, BD3 9NG provides support and essential services to homeless and vulnerably housed people aged 18+. Open 08:30 – 15:00 7 days a week, services and support includes;
The Orchard accept referrals for their three separate projects, the Lifehouse, Bradford Day Shelter, and Bradford Orchard corps, through: theorchard.referrals@salvationarmy.org.uk
Tel: 01274 397 211
Church & Community Hub: 01274 397 215
Homeless Accommodation Phone: 01274 397 211
Day Shelter: 01274 397217
Email: theorchard@salvationarmy.org.uk
Debt Advice: thqdas@salvationarmy.org.uk
Finding a Home to Rent in Bradford
Bradford Council help on applying for a home to rent from different stages.
Find a home to rent here.
Horton Housing (Bradford Homeless Partnership)
Horton Housing offers temporary and emergency accommodation for people in the Bradford District who are or at risk of becoming homeless. Find out more about Horton Housing here.
Tel: 01274 370689
Address: Horton Housing Association
Chartford House
54 Little Horton Lane
West Yorkshire
Household costs through winter
Bradford Council has been allocated funding from the Government’s Household Support Fund to help residents who would otherwise struggle to buy food, keep their home warm, pay essential utility bills or meet other essential living costs this winter.
Find out more about how to access this support here.
The Bradford & District Warm Homes Healthy People Project
The WARM HOMES HEALTHY PEOPLE partners provide free independent energy advice for those living in the Bradford District area. The aims, to save you money and keep you warm. We install small energy efficiency measures and offer support and advice on energy bills. We also provide emergency support and help you with debt and benefits checks.
The Warm Homes Healthy People partnership offer:
To make a referral for yourself or someone else, or find out more click here. or call 0808 1683547 (Freephone).
The West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership has produced a range of resources on Affordable Warmth for residents in Bradford, Calderdale, Leeds, Kirklees and Wakefield available here.
Find out more about the project here.
Tel: 0808 1683547
Web: Warm Homes Healthy People - Groundwork
Better Homes Bradford
A council endorsed energy efficiency scheme to help private homeowners across Bradford district live in warmer, healthier homes and also reduce the cost of rising fuel bills.
Find out more about the Better Homes Bradford here.
Tel: 0800 597 1500 or 0113 897 0977
Web: Better Homes Bradford | Bradford Council
Bradford Cyrenians (support for men and women)
Bradford Cyrenians is an organisation that provides a range of hostel, supported housing, floating support and other services for vulnerable communities. They a service that supports men who are survivors of domestic abuse and a service that provides accommodation-based support services to male and female ex-offenders. They provide a homes 4 life service run on the housing first model. They have accommodation and floating support services for lone parents.
Referrals: 01274 480120
Tel: 01274 481039
Email: reception@bradfordcyrenians.org.uk
Address: 255 - 257 Manningham Lane, Bradford, BD8 7EP
Web: Bradford Cyrenians - Breaking the Cycle of Homelessness
End Furniture Poverty
End Furniture Poverty was created in 2015 to raise awareness of the issue of furniture poverty; their aim is to develop solutions so everyone had access to essential furniture they need for a secure life. The organisation provides both new and pre-loved furniture to those in need.
For further information or support contact End Furniture Poverty via their online request function Contact - End Furniture Poverty
Web: Home - End Furniture Poverty
Helping Hands, Bradford
Helping Hands is a compassionate and selfless organisation dedicated to improving the lives of those in need. During these challenging times, many individuals are struggling to make ends meet, which is why Helping Hands steps in to provide essential support.
Helping Hands is primarily a foodbank, however they also cover all household items from white goods to furniture, toiletries, cleaning supplies, baby items and any other needs an individual has, from mental health to housing difficulties.
Tel: 0796 854 8576
Email: helpinghands.bradford2020@yahoo.com
Calderdale Council – Find a Home
Whether you're moving into Calderdale and looking for a house, or want to move house because your home no longer meets your needs, the Housing Options Service at Halifax Customer First, can help. This includes the Choice Based Letting scheme, Extra Care Housing, Housing Advice, Housing Associations, and Low cost home ownership.
Calderdale Housing Options Service
Councils have a duty to give advice and assistance. This is to help you find a place to live if you are homeless or face being homeless within 56 days and eligible. It also means that we should help households irrespective of ‘priority need’ or ‘intentionally homeless’, and have a duty to make a written personalised plan that includes actions that we and the household agree to do.
Services offered: Assessment of priority need under the Housing Act. Can provide temporary accommodation for those assessed as in priority need - those with children or pregnant, vulnerable because of age (60+), disability or at risk from violence. General housing advice and information for private and council tenants and homeless people. Deal with harassment and illegal eviction.
You can complete a self-referral form at Housing Assistance Referral Portal
Tel: 01422 392460
Outside office hours, Tel: 01422 288000
Email: housingoptions@calderdale.gov.uk
Duty to refer
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 introduced a duty on specified public authorities to refer service users who they think may be homeless or threatened with homelessness in the next 56 days to local authority homelessness/housing options teams.
Referral details are available at: https://www.calderdale.gov.uk/v2/residents/housing/homelessness-duty-refer
For more details, please contact the Housing Options team:
Email: housingoptions@calderdale.gov.uk
Tel: 01422 392460
Horton Housing Street Reach Service
Provide an outreach service and aim to engage with people who sleep rough and help them move to a permanent place to stay. They have two units of emergency "crash pads". These can accommodate people for up to three nights to allow support and advice to begin.
Tel: 01422 323397
Mobile: 07584 015756 or for a call back, text the word "Support".
Email: reach@hortonhousing.co.uk
Affordable Warmth for residents
The West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership has produced a range of resources on Affordable Warmth for residents in Bradford, Calderdale, Leeds, Kirklees and Wakefield available here.
Home Options Team at Doncaster Council
If a young person or adult is homeless or going to become homeless you should contact the home options team:
Tel: 01302 736000 Monday to Friday 08:30 - 17:00.
Tel (out of office hours): 01302 323444.
Web: https://www.stlegerhomes.co.uk/looking-for-a-home/housing-options-and-homelessness/
Address: One Stop Shop, The Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster DN1 3BU between the hours of 08:30 - 17:00.
Changing Lives
The homelessness services provide a safe place to stay, help to sort out practical issues and strengths based support. Changing Lives is not an emergency access provider. Referral to accommodation services is usually made through your local authority housing team. Open for referrals Monday to Thurs 9.30-3.00pm
Tel: 01302 309800
Web: https://www.changing-lives.org.uk/services/housing-homelessness/
Address: Doncaster Hub at Changing Lives, 2-5 Princes Street, Doncaster, DN1 3NJ
Riverside Street Outreach
Riverside work directly with people sleeping rough and undertake twice daily street walks with a view to supporting people to a life away from the streets. The outreach team can be contacted 24 hours a day on:
Tel: 01302 558014
Email: nsno.doncaster@riverside.org.uk
Web: https://www.stlegerhomes.co.uk/looking-for-a-home/housing-options-and-homelessness/
Riverside Wharf House Hostel
Wharf House, Wharf Road, Doncaster.
Tel: 01302 558010
Web: https://www.riverside.org.uk/in-your-neighbourhood/south-yorkshire/care-and-support/wharf-house/
East Riding
East Riding Council The team can offer landlord mediation, family mediation, support to find alternative accommodation, help with a private rented sector Guaranteed Bond, assistance to move into more appropriate and affordable accommodation, advice on council housing, tenancy support, rough sleepers, breathing space for home owners at risk of losing their homes through arrears.
Tel: 01482 393939
Tel (out of normal office hours): (01377) 241273
Web: https://www.eastriding.gov.uk/housing/housing-advice/help-homeless-people/
Provides accommodation with support and rough sleeper outreach service within the East Riding
During coronavirus restrictions Emmaus are now using a freephone number which is operating 7 days a week between the hours of 9am - 5pm.
Tel: 0800 066 2169
YASS Bridlington
YASS (Young Adult Support Service) offers free and confidential advice to young adults on all areas of lifestyle and health. They cooperate with other agencies to ensure that young adults get the help they need and the help they are entitled to. Their aim is to enhance the lifestyle and life opportunities of young adults in the community
Tel: 07865 085973
SASH is a registered charity preventing homelessness in young people aged 16 to 25 throughout North and East Yorkshire. When young people are facing homelessness, they offer a spare room in the home of a trained volunteer and support to move forward
Night stop referrals can be taken from 9am to 9pm but there is a 24hr out of hours service for queries.
Tel: 01904 659610
Web: https://www.sash-uk.org.uk/
Sanctuary Housing
Sanctuary run two homeless hostels in Bridlington, one for 16-25 yer olds and one for 25+
Montague House - 16-25 years
Tel: 01262 671607 (office hours)
Web: https://www.sanctuary-supported-living.co.uk/find-services/homelessness/yorkshire/montague-house
The Haven - 18 years+
Tel: 01262 401510 (office hours)
Web: https://www.sanctuary-supported-living.co.uk/find-services/homelessness/yorkshire/the-haven
The Hinge
We can offer emergency overnight stops for 16-25 and support for those over 25. we also have a job club, offer advice on benefits and welfare, have a community food store and provide food parcels. We offer activities for children and young people like sport and arts and crofts. Referrals can be taken within the following hours:
Monday to Thursday - 9.30am to 4.30pm
Friday - 9.30am to 4.00pm
Tel: 01262 679671
Web: https://www.thehinge.org.uk
Beverley Cherry Tree Community Centre
All benefit advice, debt issues, housing problems, free legal advice, anyone over 18 years
Tel: 01482 871993 (office hours)
Web: https://ctca.org.uk/
Hull City Council Housing Options Team
If a person has nowhere to stay, are under threat of homelessness or it is not safe for them to remain in their current property they can ring the Housing Options Team for support:
Tel: 01482 612 040 Monday to Thursday - 9am to 5pm Fridays 9am to 4.30pm.
Tel (out of office hours): 01482 300 304
Web: https://www.hull.gov.uk/housing/homelessness/if-you-become-homeless
Address: The Wilson Centre, Alfred Gelder St, Hull HU1 2AG
Homeless Link - Doorstep of Hull
The service offers accommodation and homelessness support. Support includes help with claiming benefits, budgeting and other daily living skills. Referrals to specialist agencies as necessary, e.g. around drug or alcohol problems. Residents may move from communal units to self contained units during their stay.
The service accepts people aged 16+ and will accept self referral and referrals from any agency.
Tel: 01482 345006
Email: admin@doorstep.org.uk
Web: http://www.doorstep.org.uk/
Address: 151 Fairfax Avenue, Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU5 4QZ
Help if you are homeless or threatened with homelessness
Kirklees Council will help you if you are homeless or threatened with homelessness within 56 days and you are eligible for assistance.
There is information on housing advice, help with housing costs, help with food, heating and clothing, and housing advice for people leaving hospital.
Click here if you are at risk of homelessness. Find below other useful contacts.
Tel: 01484 221350
Tel (out of office): 01484 414933
Email: housing.solutions@kirklees.gov.uk
Duty to refer
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 introduced a duty on specified public authorities to refer service users who they think may be homeless or threatened with homelessness in the next 56 days to local authority homelessness/housing options teams.
Details of how to refer are available here.
Joining the housing register
If you would like to rent a council, housing association or shared ownership property in Kirklees, you need to apply to our housing register.
Affordable Warmth for residents
The West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership has produced a range of resources on Affordable Warmth for residents in Bradford, Calderdale, Leeds, Kirklees and Wakefield available here.
StreetLink for rough sleepers
Kirklees Council suggests If you come across a rough sleeper that you should contact StreetLink who will be able to put you in contact with help in your area. StreetLink sends your details to the local authority or outreach service who will help you find somewhere to stay and give support.
Tel: 0300 500 0914
Web: Streetlink
Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP)
The SWEP team aims to prevent deaths on the streets in severe weather. They will provide a bed for anyone sleeping rough in Kirklees. Every person who is given a bed through SWEP is visited by a housing officer the next morning, to talk them through their options and discuss how they can get longer term help. They allow pets wherever possible - although there are a small number of places where pets can't go.
Tel: 01484 221350
Tel (out of office hours): 01484 414933
Leeds Housing Options
If you are homeless, at risk of homelessness or need somewhere to sleep tonight you may call this number for support. This includes advice for young people, people leaving hospital or leaving prison.
Tel: 0113 222 4412 (Weekdays, 9am - 5pm, except Wednesdays when we're open from 10am)
Tel (out of hours): 07891 273 939
Email housing.options@leeds.gov.uk
Website: https://www.leeds.gov.uk/housing/homeless-or-at-risk
North East Lincolnshire
North East Lincolnshire Council’s Homelessness Prevention Service
If a person is homeless or at risk of losing their home within the next 56 days, you must seek help and advice immediately.
The Homelessness Prevention Service are able to help with making sure people stay in their home. If this option is not possible, they will help find somewhere else to live.
Tel: 01472 326296
Web: www.nelincs.gov.uk/homelessness
Harbour Place, Grimsby
Open Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm, Friday from 9am to 4.30pm
To provide support, guidance & advice to rough sleepers.
Tel: 01472 355234
Web: www.harbourplacegrimsby.org.uk
Doorstep, Grimsby
Open Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm
Provides accommodation & support to young people and young families aged 16-25 who are experiencing homelessness
Tel: 01472 321444
Humbercare, Grimsby
Open Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm, Friday from 9am to 4.30pm
Provides support and services to adults and young people
Tel: 01472 245820
North Yorkshire
North Yorkshire Council - Homelessness
North Yorkshire Council can support with homelessness enquiries and assess for temporary accommodation.
From the 16th December 2024, after 5pm there will be a central out of hours team that can triage any homeless or rough sleeper cases.
The following telephone number can be used for all enquiries, both during and out of working hours.
Tel: 0300 131 2131
Web: Homelessness | North Yorkshire Council
North Yorkshire Council – Housing
For more information and advice around housing in North Yorkshire visit: Housing and homelessness | North Yorkshire Council
Harrogate Homeless Project
Our Springboard day centre in Harrogate town centre provides meals, shower facilities, laundry, clothing, GP services, therapies, skills training, advice and practical support for any one who is currently experiencing homelessness or in need of support around their housing situation. We are fundraising to expand this important area of our work, which is often our first point of contact with someone who comes to us for help and support.
Web: https://www.harrogate-homeless-project.org.uk/
Scarborough - The Rainbow Centre
The Centre now supports over 500 people per week and provides assistance on a diverse range of issues.
We are a food and clothing bank, giving out these items to people in need. There is a shower room, laundry, television lounge and a garden for people to enjoy in a safe, comfortable environment.
Tel: 01723 500663
Web: The Rainbow Centre - Compassion, Support, Hope!
Address: The Rainbow Centre, Parish House, Castle Road, Scarborough, YO11 1TH
Selby - Horton Housing
Our Selby STAY (Supported Tenancies at Yorkshire) Well service provides housing-related support for people aged 18 or over in Selby who have mental health issues, are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
District and Borough councils across NY that can support access to housing. Those are: Harrogate, Selby, Skipton (Craven), Scarborough and Northallerton.
Tel: 01274 370689
Web: Selby STAY Well - Horton Housing
Rotherham Council Homelessness Team
Emergency help if you are homeless or a rough sleeper. If you are calling about someone you are concerned for, you will need to be with them when you call.
Tel: 01709 336009 – Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week on.
Web: Emergency help if you are homeless or a rough sleeper – Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Severe Cold Weather Provision, Rotherham
Accommodation is offered to anyone who could be sleeping rough in Rotherham, in the emergency accommodation provision to escape sub-zero temperatures.
People who are sleeping rough can access this service through a referral from the Homelessness Team 24/7.
Tel: 01709 336009
Tel (Out of Hours): 07748 143170
Shiloh Rotherham
Shiloh offers support to adults who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The Support Centre is open access, so they welcome everyone with or without a referral. They ask people a few questions on arrival to help them understand what support is needed. Services include:
Tel: 01709 559504 Open Mon-Friday 8.30-4.30pm
Address: 15 Station Rd, Rotherham S60 1HN
Web: Shiloh Rotherham
Sheffield City Council
Housing Options and Advice
We can provide advice, help and support for anyone who is homeless, could become homeless in the near future, or has a housing problem which they need help to resolve.
Tel: 0800 7311689 (8:30 to 5:00)
Tel Out of hours emergencies: 0800 7311689
Web: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/housing/housing-advice-options-line
Help Us Help - Resource guide
List of sources of support including day centres and food sources, complete with map
Web: http://www.helpushelp.uk/_media/images/144.75_Here_to_Help_map(updated).pdf
Asylum seeker accommodation and support
Assist Sheffield helps destitute asylum seekers by providing accommodation, advice and other support
Tel: 0300 2010072
Web: https://www.assistsheffield.org.uk/
Housing Advice
Shelter Hub
For advice or guidance:
Tel: 0344 515 1515 between the hours of 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
Ben’s CentreBen’s Centre offers a self-referral service and if accepted the homeless can attend the Day Centre at 22 Wilkinson Street between 10:30 and 14:30 Monday to Friday. Self-referrals will be booked in for an assessment within the next following days, this will consist of a few basic health questions to determine the best support they can offer alongside a friendly chat and some warm food. Professionals can refer a client by email through the website contact page.
Tel: 0114 279 9961 and 0777 189 7086
Email: benscentre@hotmail.co.uk
Website: Bens Centre
Address: 22 Wilkinson Street, Sheffield, S10 2GB
The Cathedral Archer Project, SheffieldThe Cathedral Archer Project offers a large range of services for the homeless, these include:
Tel: 0114 263 6970
Email: cap.reception@archerproject.org.uk
Website: https://www.archerproject.org.uk/
Address: Sheffield Cathedral, Church Street, Sheffield, S1 1HA (The entrance is on Campo Lane, at the back of the Cathedral. For sat nav please use S1 2EF
ASSIST - Asylum seeker accommodation and supportASSIST Sheffield helps destitute asylum seekers by providing accommodation, advice and other support. An ASSIST volunteer will talk to the individual to find out more about their situation and needs. They provide initial support and may direct people to other organisations in Sheffield which may be able to help.
Tel: 0300 2010072
Email: admin@assistsheffield.org.uk
Wakefield Council Housing Needs Service
Wakefield Council Housing Needs Service will assess how they can assist anyone who is homeless or threatened with homelessness and will provide advice, support and assistance to help resolve housing difficulties.
They offer a free, confidential advice and information service that may help you to keep your home or help you find accommodation that meets your needs. They will help you to understand the different options that are available in the Wakefield District to solve your housing problems.
Tel: 01924 304362 / 304360
Email: housingneedsservice@wakefield.gov.uk
Web: https://www.wakefield.gov.uk/health-care-and-advice/adults-and-older-people-services/homelessness
Address: Queens House, Queens Row, Market Street, Wakefield, WF1 1DF
Housing Support Service
The Housing Support Service provide a range of advice and support with private housing related issues including:
Money Smart Tel: 01924 305892
Email: moneysmart@wakefield.gov.uk
Home Energy Tel:01924 305887
Email: energyteam@wakefield.gov.uk
Home repairs/private rented properties Tel: 01924306665
Email: housingstandards@wakefield.gov.uk
Web: Housing - Wakefield Council
Rough Sleeper Support Service
If you are rough sleeping in the district or observe someone rough sleeping please contact our Rough Sleeper Support Service. Our Rough Sleeper Support Service will be able to provide assistance that may not be available under duties assessed under the homeless legislation.
Tel: 01924 285722
Email: RC&S.Wakefield@riverside.org.uk
Web: Streetlink
Duty to refer
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 introduced a duty on specified public authorities to refer service users who they think may be homeless or threatened with homelessness in the next 56 days to local authority homelessness/housing options teams.
Referrals can now be made direct to Wakefield Council, using a system known as Alert.
To be able to use Alert you will need to register here at and set up a password.
This system allows the referrer to securely send all the referral information through to the council electronically with functionality of being able to see who you referred, and the date and status of that referral.
Should you need to make a referral by downloading, printing and emailing a referral you are still able to do so using the form here. Please note this will not offer the functionality of the Alert system and will only be available for a limited period.
Details on how to make a referral direct to Wakefield Council are available here.
Tel: 01924 304362 / 01924 304360
Tel (Out of hours): 03458 506506
Web: Duty, Commitment and Pledge to refer - Wakefield Council
Email: dutytorefer@wakefield.gov.uk
Housing Advice Team
The Housing Advice Team offer advice and advocacy on housing and housing related problems
Our areas of work include dealing with:
Tel: 01924 302085
Wakefield Housing Related Support Pathways
From 1st April 2018, the Council’s Housing Needs Service (HNS) provides a Single Point of Access (SPOA) to Council commissioned housing related support services, also known as Housing Related Support Pathways. This means that should you or an organisation that you are working with feel that you would benefit from support or accommodation with support from one of the Housing Related Support Pathways, you need to be referred by that organisation or contact the SPOA directly. The SPOA will review your circumstances and decide whether you meet the required criteria and refer you to the most appropriate Pathway.
For further information on the pathways and the providers please refer to the Pathway and Eligibility Information available on the Wakefield Council website.
Tel: 01924 304359
Email: Pathways@wakefield.gov.uk
Web: Housing for Vulnerable Adults - Wakefield Council
Address: Housing Needs Service, Queens House, Queens Street, Wakefield, WF1 1JR
Wakefield District Housing (WDH)
One of the UK’s largest social housing providers.
WDH offer a range of health and wellbeing support services for their tenants. As well as Financial support through the Cash Wise Service.
Further information can be found here.
Web: About WDH
Affordable Warmth for residents
The West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership has produced a range of resources on Affordable Warmth for residents in Bradford, Calderdale, Leeds, Kirklees and Wakefield available here.
Web: Affordable warmth :: West Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership (wypartnership.co.uk)
Wakefield Rough Sleeping Support Service
Riverside provides the Council's Rough Sleeping Support Service and operates a range of intervention services for rough sleepers from early identification of those new to sleeping on the streets, to those who've become entrenched rough sleepers and may have been on the streets for some time. Following reports of rough sleeping an outreach worker will visit the reported location to establish rough sleeping and offer advice and assistance to try resolve homelessness.
Tel: 01924 385722
Email: RC&S.Wakefield@riverside.org.uk
Web: http://www.riverside.org.uk
Address: Marsh Way House, 10 Arundel Cl, Wakefield WF1 3LF
Salvation Army (Early Intervention & Prevention Team)
Charles Malarkey street walks in York on a morning at 04:30 to identify rough sleepers. Police officers who identify rough sleepers can email Charles (charles.malarkey@salvationarmy.org.uk), who will get out to them at 04:30. They operate 'no second night out' and react within 24 hours.
Self-referral via phone, email or drop-in, Professional referral route below:
Tel: 01904 416562
Email: Sarah.pirie@salvationarmy.org.uk
Web: Homepage | The Salvation Army
Address: 63 Lawrence Street, York, YO10 3BU
Housing options, York
The Housing Options Team provides advice about housing issues and homelessness
Self-referral via phone or email
Tel: 01904 554500
Tel (Out of Hours:) 01609 780780
Email: housing.options@york.gov.uk
Web: https://www.york.gov.uk/homelessness/housing-options?documentId=1394&categoryId=20094
Address: West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6HT. You must book an appointment to visit in person.
Carecent is a breakfast centre for all homeless, unemployed or otherwise socially excluded members of our community.
We provide food, clothing and fellowship in a friendly and non-judgemental environment. Our volunteer staff are always ready to listen and offer support and advice where possible. Where appropriate, we work with other agencies in order to move people forward to an improved lifestyle.
Tel: 01904 624244
Email: admin@carecent.org.uk
Web: Our Purpose - Carecent York
Address: Central Methodist Church, St. Saviourgate, York, YO1 8NQ
Street Angels
Every Fri and Sat night at 9pm volunteers from York's churches patrol the streets and visit pubs and bars. Street angels identify and assist those in vulnerable situations. Angels also provide a listening service.
Tel: 07533 933063
Email: streetangelsyork@gmail.com
Web: Street Angels York | Home
The Peasholme Centre
Rough Sleepers/ Single homeless people with support needs and a local connection to York. Can accept couples. Can accept people with dogs.
Tel: 01904 554500
Address: 4 Fishergate, York, YO10 4FH
Howe Hill
16-25 year olds, including young parents.
No direct referrals. Need to be referred by CYC Housing Options or Salvation Army via the SAP process.
Tel: 01904 553141
Address: 136 Acomb Road, York, YO24 4HA
Robinson Court
Managed by Changing Lives. For young people 16-21 (female only).
No direct referrals. Need to be referred by CYC Housing Options or Salvation Army via the SAP process.
Tel: 01904 642307
Address: 101 Walmgate, York, YO1 9TR
Single homeless people with a local connection to York. Applicants without a local connection can be supported whilst appropriate alternative accommodation is found. Can accept applicants with dogs. Managed by Changing Lives.
No direct referrals. Need to be referred by CYC Housing Options or Salvation Army via the SAP process.
Tel: 01904 630500
Address: Union Terrace, York, YO31 7ES
For 18-25 years. Nightstop can arrange somewhere to stay for young people for that night on an emergency basis.
No direct referrals. Need to be referred by CYC Housing Options, Salvation Army or York College.
Tel: 01904 652043 Option 2 Alternatively for Nightstop: 01904 659610 Availability for both numbers 9AM-5PM.
Email: info@sash-uk.org.uk
Web: SASH - preventing youth homelessness in North and East Yorkshire (sash-uk.org.uk)
Address: 107-109 Walmgate, York, YO1 9UA
Restore York
Restore is a Christian housing charity based in York. They provide accommodation and support for people from York who would otherwise be homeless.
No direct referrals. Need to be referred by CYC Housing Options or Salvation Army via the SAP process.
Tel: 03432 897927
Email: office@restoreyork.co.uk
Web: Home - Restore York
Address: The Flat, Gateway Centre, York, YO24 3BZ
Single point of access - York City Council
If an applicant has nowhere to sleep during the waiting period it may be possible for them to access emergency accommodation via No Second Night Out (NSNO).
Tel: 01904 416562 / 01904 554500
Web: Single Access Point – City of York Council
Webform: https://www.york.gov.uk/form/SAPReferralForm
Housing options - York City Council
We offer advice and information if you're at risk of homelessness because you're:
Tel: 01904 554500
Web: Housing Options – City of York Council
Youth homelessness - York City Council
We offer support to young people aged 16 to 17 who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless (16 year olds need to have officially left Year 11 to access this support).
Tel: 01904 553585 / 07891 853498 /07717 320102
Email: youthhomeless@york.gov.uk
Web: Youth homelessness support – City of York Council
STREET LINK - Street Link is a national service which can be used if you see people sleeping rough. Referrals can be made 24 hours a day using the hotline or online.
Tel: 0300 500 0914 - Although the hotline is a 24 hour service outreach teams may not be able to assist that person straight away.
Website: www.streetlink.org.uk - You need to register to access services
Mobile app: ‘StreetLink’ from Apple iTunes / Google Play store
SHELTER - A person can contact the free Shelter helpline if they have nowhere to sleep or might be homeless soon, they have somewhere to sleep but nowhere to call home or could be at risk of harm.
Tel: 0808 800 4444 - The helpline is open 365 days a year and accessible at the following times:
Website: Home - Shelter England
SEVERE WEATHER EMERGENCY PROTOCOL (SWEP) -Aims to get people off the streets during periods of adverse weather (Cold, Wind, Severe Rain and Heatwaves) by providing emergency accommodation to anyone sleeping rough.
Local authorities and their partners should make every effort to provide self-contained accommodation options for people sleeping rough this winter, working alongside faith and community groups and homelessness charities to accommodate everyone safely, regardless of immigration status, previous housing experience and local connection.
For more information about SWEP, see Homeless Link’s guidance:
Website: Homeless Link