Social Isolation and Loneliness
Loneliness is also a common emotion and it is likely that, at some point in our lives and whatever our age, we will experience it. Various studies estimating the levels of loneliness in Great Britain show that 5 – 16% of people aged 65 or over report feeling lonely all or most of the time and up to a further 30% say they feel lonely “sometimes”. Loneliness and social isolation are harmful to our health: research shows that lacking social connections is as damaging to our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day (Holt-Lunstad, 2015).
Risk factors that increase the likelihood of someone experiencing loneliness. These included living in rural environments with poor transport connections, having a lack of family nearby, having a caring responsibility, living on a low income, bereavement, poor mobility, losing hearing and/or sight, and having certain long-term conditions (such as dementia), as well as a range of other possible characteristics, situations, or experiences. Sometimes, a person experiences multiple risk factors simultaneously.
Source – Campaign to End Loneliness
Very Brief Intervention
What do you like to do with your time?
What hobbies or interests do you have?
How often would you say you do your hobbies or social activities?
How do you feel about how you spend your time?
How would you describe your network of friends and family?
Which friends or family members could you turn to for support if you needed it?
Would you rather spend your time?
- On your own?
- With family?
- With friends?
Would you say that your relationships are as you would want them to be?
- Facilitate a conversation about loneliness, using the skills and qualities of empathy, openness, warmth and respect, and help people to understand their own circumstances and plan their own solutions.
- Allow the person to tell their story, to review their loneliness and what is happening now.
How would you like things to be?
What would you like to be doing differently, and how would you feel about that?
What would make a difference to you?’
Are there people who model what you would like to be doing/how you would like it to be?
What needs to happen for (the change) to take place?
What do you think stops you from making that change?
Self Care
Although most people need some kind of social contact to maintain good mental health, everyone has different social needs. The person may be someone who is content with a few close friends, or they may need a large group of varied acquaintances to feel satisfied.
State that the simplest way to ease feelings of loneliness can be to try to meet more, or different, people.
- Can they think of anything they are interested in, a class or a group they have heard of, that could help connect them with new people? See Useful contacts for ideas of how to find groups. The Red Cross Connecting Communities team can help you connect with your local community and meet new friends.
- Volunteering is a good way of meeting people. Helping others can also really help improve mental health. See useful contacts for organisations that can help someone find local volunteering opportunities.
- Join an online community. See useful contacts for some suggestions.
Loneliness in Older People
- The Silver Line is the only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Call 0800 470 8090. The Silver Line can also put you in contact with community activities in your local area
- Age UK has a befriending service to support loneliness in later life, this is where a volunteer visits an older person once a week in their own home. There is also telephone befriending Telephone befriending, where a volunteer befriender will phone an older person.
- Re-engage works with people aged 75 and over who live alone; those who are especially vulnerable to loneliness. Call our freephone number 0800 716 543 Email
- NHS Choices has a range of advice on Loneliness including volunteering, continuing education and how to engage with social media and computers.
Loneliness in Younger People
- It is recognised that Loneliness is not something that is exclusive to older adult, indeed many younger adults in particular can experience loneliness and a recent report from the office for national statistics highlighted Britain as the loneliness capital of Europe.
- Whilst on the outside young people can be very well connected on social media but if this replaces face-to-face contact then it can add to a feeling of loneliness. Some people also present an idealised version of themselves online and we expect to have social lives like those portrayed in the media.
- Helplines can reduce loneliness, at least in the short term
- The Samaritans are available around the clock, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This number is FREE to call on 116 123
- Get Connected is a free confidential helpline for young people, where people can seek help with emotional and mental health issues often linked to loneliness.
- There are also support services on websites such as Mind's that can remind you you're not alone.
- It doesn’t really matter who you talk to first. Some ideas would include: a friend, family member, anonymous listening service like Nightline or the Samaritans, student union welfare rep, personal tutor, students support services staff member, counsellor, or doctor. Decide who is the best person for you to talk to first. Be realistic about what each person can offer. If it doesn’t work out, try someone else. Talk to more than one person.
Local Support and Contact Details
Barnsley CouncilThe council website signposts to a range of services and provides tips to reduce the impact of loneliness and social isolation.
Live Well Barnsley
Live Well Barnsley is an online directory of services that can help you live healthily and stay independent. It contains information and contact details for hundreds of health, wellbeing and care services that help people to look after themselves, stay independent and get involved in their community.
Whether you are looking for a social club that caters for your disability, someone to help you with shopping, care at home or you want to join an interest group in your local area, the site will help you to find what you need.
Age UK
Age UK provide a range of services to all older people across the Barnsley borough. We can offer support in a number of ways including: Activity Groups, Classes and Day Care to address issues such as social isolation. We have a free Information & Advice service providing information on keeping warm and well, advice on accessing care, older persons benefits and benefits checks and much more.
Tel: 01226 776820 We are open Monday to Friday 9.30am - 3.30pm
Men in Sheds Men's Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create. The Shed aims to support older men aged 50 and over who may have experienced life changing events such as redundancy, retirement, bereavement and mental or physical ill-health. It may be that you are just looking for something new to do! It is a safe, supportive and friendly place to meet, where men can socialise, do a bit of light work or busy themselves doing a hobby or learn new skills. 'Shedders' will have access to facilities and workshop space where they can share and learn skills.
For more information on the location and contact details for Men's Sheds in your local area see:
ALE Bradford
HALE provides access to a variety of activities, groups and programmes such as befriending and community connectors that all aim to reduce isolation and improve mental health and wellbeing.
HALE’s services have made an impact in the local community:
- 85% of people attending our social groups tell us they have experienced an improvement in their health
- 70% of people from our social prescribing scheme have experienced improved mental health.
Tel: 01274 271088
Bradford and District Befriending Network
Details of befriending services across the district.
Age UK Bradford and District
Age UK Bradford and District Wellbeing and Engagement team provides support across the district to individuals and communities at risk of social isolation and loneliness for people over the age of 50. For more information or support please contact a member of our Customer Service Team.
Tel: 01274 391190
Men in Sheds
Men's Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create, The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, for groups of men to enjoy together and could be woodworking, cycle repairs, gardening, furniture renovation etc, depending on what the group is interested in. They are great places to spend time with others making social connections and are supportive of people with long term health conditions.
For more information on the location and contact details for Men's Sheds in your local area see:
Allerton Community Café
The Allerton Community run café prides itself on fair and affordable café prices; they also have facilities such as: library, ICT suite, community garden, disabled access wet room, community utility room, kitchen facilities, hall space, playing field, outdoor seating. As well as providing services for the local community, for example: emergency food parcels and mental health support.
Tel: 01274 488 499
Address: Cafe West, Wanstead Crescent, Allerton, Bradford, BD15 7PA
Web: Home | Cafe West Healthy Living Centre
Millside Centre
Millside Centre is based in Bradford and their aim is to support vulnerable people in the Bradford area, they have several groups designed to support vulnerable members of the community, e.g; the Befriending Project, Job Club, Football Fitness and Friendship – Men only, Ladies’ fitness, singing and knitting groups and they offer counselling. Information around all the groups Millside runs are on their website.
Tel: 01274 409661
Web: Millside Centre » Millside Centre
Shine, West Bowling
Shine is an organisation based in St Stephen’s Church in West Bowling, Bradford; that offers support based on the community’s needs, offering support like: Advice drop in, Clothing bank, Pop up pantry, Gamblers anonymous, Exercise groups for women, Sing Shine and Creative Threads (as well as many other groups/classes/support).
Tel: 01274 738490
Address: St Stephen's Church, Donisthorpe St, West Bowling, Bradford, England, BD5 7BX
Staying Well
There are loads of community groups and all kinds of things to do all across Calderdale from Art to Zumba! The Staying Well team can work with any adult in Calderdale from 18 years and over to access social activities and health and wellbeing related services in the community.
Tel: 01422 392767
Doncaster Mind
Tel: 01302 812 190
Doncaster Mind offers Counselling, befriending and wellbeing service to residents
b:Friend matches volunteer befrienders with socially isolated older neighbours and the aim, through weekly visits for a cuppa and a chat, is to reduce loneliness in the community.
Tel: 07749 955349
MHA Doncaster Communities Live at Home Scheme
A befriending scheme aimed at tackling isolation and promoting independence and wellbeing.
Tel: 01302 769898
Peer support provided by the group to help people live independently. For further information contact Kelly Hicks (
Men in Sheds Men's Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create, The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, for groups of men to enjoy together and could be woodworking, cycle repairs, gardening, furniture renovation etc, depending on what the group is interested in. They are great places to spend time with others making social connections and are supportive of people with long term health conditions.
For more information on the location and contact details for Men's Sheds in your local area see:
IAPT Service
Contact your GP for referral or for more information visit:
Social Prescribing
Speak to your GP, Community nurse or Pharmacist for information on the Doncaster Social Prescribing Service.
Your Life Doncaster
Search for over 1500 groups and activities in Doncaster to help you live independently:
This website provides resources for you to look after yourself within your own community; focusing on you keeping well, safe and connected.
East Riding Emotional Wellbeing Service - (Self-Referral or via GP)
Providing support to people with common and emotional mental health difficulties. Services range from self-help therapies, to psycho educational courses and one-to-one support
Tel: 01482 301701
Online portal
Men in Sheds Men's Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create, The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, for groups of men to enjoy together and could be woodworking, cycle repairs, gardening, furniture renovation etc, depending on what the group is interested in. They are great places to spend time with others making social connections and are supportive of people with long term health conditions.
For more information on the location and contact details for Men's Sheds in East Riding see:
Health and Wellbeing Advisor and Connector Service (Social Prescribing)
Supporting East Riding Residents aged 18+ to access support to improve overall health and wellbeing, reducing health inequalities across the region. Health and Wellbeing Advisor and Connectors aim to improve self care providing you with support and empowerment in the following areas:
· Long term health conditions · Dementia · Carers · Digital Technology divide · Food Poverty · Fuel Poverty · Social Isolation |
· Loneliness · Relationships · Employment · Accessing support groups · Volunteering opportunities · Accessing befriending services |
· Debt · Housing · Social Care · General health and wellbeing · Other areas that may be affecting your health and wellbeing |
Situated in the majority of GP practices and various community venues, the Link workers will listen and help you to arrive at the best solution for you, they can advise and support you with a wide variety of issues and can be accessed without a referral
Telephone: 0800 9177752
or contact via: YOURhealth – Prevention and Lifestyle Services (
Additionally most GP surgeries have social prescribers available during the week.
Alzheimer’s Society
If you are affected by dementia you are not alone, we run a range of relaxed informal groups across Hull and East Riding including Singing for the Brain, Memory Cafés and Activity Groups.
For more information please contact Hull & East Riding Services
Tel: 01482 211255
Connect Well Hull
Provides appointments with Welfare Advisers and Wellbeing Co-ordinators in 27 locations across the city, including GP practices.
Wellbeing co-ordinators can assist you to access support and guidance including groups where you can try something new such as:
- Socialising
- Creative and cultural activities
- Support of management of your physical or emotional health needs
Plus ways to get active, including:
- Healthy living
- Dance
- Gardening
- Walking groups
- Wellbeing
- Exercise groups
Tel: 01482 217670
or email:
Men in Sheds
Men's Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create, The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, for groups of men to enjoy together and could be woodworking, cycle repairs, gardening, furniture renovation etc, depending on what the group is interested in. They are great places to spend time with others making social connections and are supportive of people with long term health conditions.
For more information on the location and contact details for Men's Sheds in your local area see:
Children's Centres
If you want to give your child the best possible start in life, there are a wide range of services at our Children's Centres across Hull that can help.
Our Children's Centres are here to support you and your family and offer the following services:
- Family Support
- Ante/Post Natal care via Midwifery Service
- Play & Activity Sessions
- Healthy Lifestyle Sessions
- Training Courses
- Baby Massage Classes
- Breastfeeding Support
- Support for families of children with SEND
- Stop Smoking Clinics
- FareShare Food Collections
- Us Mums Exercise Sessions for during pregnancy and the postnatal period
- Training, Benefit & Employment Advice – support and funding
- Integrated Day Care & support to access 2 Year Old funding
- Parenting Courses
- Volunteering Opportunities
- Home Safety
To find out more information on your local Children’s Centre, please visit
Kirklees Wellness Service: People living healthier, happier lives and feeling more able to look after themselves.
The Wellness Service supports adults 18 years+ on a one to one basis to develop personally tailored health and wellbeing goals. All of services are free of charge. You can Refer a person to the Wellness Service if you are a healthcare professional who needs to refer someone, or would like to refer yourself.
The Wellness Service can help with:
- Improving mental health and emotional wellbeing
- Achieving a healthy weight
- Managing long term conditions
- Developing self-care approaches
- Wellbeing support for carers
- Increasing social contact and community engagement
- Becoming more physically active
- Smoking cessation
- Reducing drinking
The Service also facilitates group sessions for healthy weight (healthy eating advice and information) and smoking (support to stop smoking). These sessions are for people who need help, support and guidance to lose weight and stop smoking in a safe and supported manner.
For more information please visit Wellbeing | Healthy Living | Kirklees Wellness Service
Touchstone - Better in Kirklees (Self-Referral of via GP)
Better in Kirklees supports people living with a long-term health condition to become more active and involved in their community. Through Social Prescribing, we connect people to groups and activities close to where they live based on their interests. The service is open to anyone over the age of 18.
Tel: 01924 846 808
Web: Kirklees - Touchstone (
Royal Voluntary Service (RVS) - Connecting Communities Legacy
The RVS support a range of activities across Kirklees for the over 50's, these include:
- Movement and Games
- Lunch Clubs
- Silver Surfers
- Outdoor Gardeners
- Once a month Trips out
The sessions are being developed continually so please ring the number below for more up to date information in sessions, times and venues. The RVS also offer a companions service across Kirklees too.
Tel: 01924 446100
Office address: Batley Old Peoples Centre, Upper Commercial Street, Batley, WF17 5DP
Platform 1
Platform 1 is a new and unique men's health and addiction charity working with men that have lived in isolation due to their illness. The charity is growing rapidly due to its central location and its ability to engage with men that have, for whatever reason have refused to engage with other services on offer.
Tel: 01484 421143
Men in Sheds Men's Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create, The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, for groups of men to enjoy together and could be woodworking, cycle repairs, gardening, furniture renovation etc, depending on what the group is interested in. They are great places to spend time with others making social connections and are supportive of people with long term health conditions.
For more information on the location and contact details for Men's Sheds in your local area see:
Local Area Coordination
Are you feeling alone, or in need of some support or help?
Local Area Coordinators are now working in your area to help people find a way to make their life better with the help and support of their communities.
We can:
- take time to listen and get to know you
- help you visualise a good life
- help you access relevant information and advice
- help you discover your strengths, skills, talents and abilities
- help you to stay strong and be heard
- aim to help you find practical solutions to issues
- support you to become more connected and active in your community
For further information please visit
Time to Shine
Time to Shine selects partners across Leeds to deliver unique and creative projects that engage socially isolated people. Time to Shine welcome enquiries to link people to support projects within the Leeds area.
Tel: 0113 244 1697
Helpline Leeds Directory
The online directory of older people services available by contacting Leeds Directory to locate a local Neighbourhood Network Scheme, lunch clubs and care services which are community based, locally led organisations that enable older people to live independently and pro-actively participate within their own communities. They offer services that reduce social isolation, provide opportunities for volunteering, act as a “gateway” to advice/information/services promote health and wellbeing.
Tel: 0113 3918333
Age UK Leeds
Age UK Leeds offer a range of social care, health and wellbeing services, and digital inclusion projects for older people across Leeds
Tel: 0113 389 3004 (Mon - Fri 09:00 - 16:00)
Men in Sheds Men's Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create, The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, for groups of men to enjoy together and could be woodworking, cycle repairs, gardening, furniture renovation etc, depending on what the group is interested in. They are great places to spend time with others making social connections and are supportive of people with long term health conditions.
For more information on the location and contact details for Men's Sheds in your local area see:
Careview app
Careview is an app used by people working in the community. It’s used in Leeds to look for links between social isolation/loneliness and things that can be observed when walking through a neighbourhood.
You can find out more about the app, including how to download and use it, here:
The app can help find people who are socially isolated or at risk and is co-designed with outreach workers, housing officers, health professionals, clinicians, academics, police and fire service.
The potential benefits are:
- reconnecting residents with their community, preventing escalation
- improving the effectiveness and efficiency of outreach work and partnerships
- raising awareness and fixing gaps in the current referral pathways
Friendship at Home
Providing services for older people, which include befriending, social activities, advice, information, support and physical activities.
Tel: 01472 602500
The Wellbeing Service (North East Lincolnshire Council)
Tel: 01472 325500
Age UK
Activities for older people including Men in Sheds, coffee mornings, lunch clubs and games groups at Lifestyle Centre, 34a Crosby Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 6SF. Wheelchair accessible Community Transport Service (email, home visiting benefits advice service to increase income for over 65s. Free telephone befriending service
Tel: 01724 849819
Men in Sheds Men's Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create, The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, for groups of men to enjoy together and could be woodworking, cycle repairs, gardening, furniture renovation etc, depending on what the group is interested in. They are great places to spend time with others making social connections and are supportive of people with long term health conditions.
For more information on the location and contact details for Men's Sheds in your local area see:
Living Well
Living Well aims to improve the health, wellbeing and independence of adults. Our coordinators work with individuals and their carers who are isolated, vulnerable, bereaved, lacking confidence, or perhaps on the borderline of needing health and social care services. Instead, we help them to access their local community, and support them to find their own solutions to their health and wellbeing goals.
Living Well can support adults who are currently not eligible for on-going social care support and who:
- are lonely and / or socially isolated;
- have had a recent loss of a support network, including bereavement;
- have had a loss of confidence due to a recent change / event; or
- require face-to-face information, advice and guidance.
This may be older people, or people with physical, learning disabilities, sensory impairment or mental health needs.
Web: Living Well in North Yorkshire | North Yorkshire Council
Email: Send us an email using our online form.
Tel: 0300 131 2131 ask for the ‘Living Well Service’
Volunteering in North Yorkshire
Volunteering can help you to meet new people, give you a sense of purpose, and keep you socially active. People who volunteer say it makes them feel part of their community and can help them to see things in a more positive way. Follow the link below for a range of volunteering opportunities in North Yorkshire.
Volunteering | North Yorkshire Council
North Yorkshire Connect
North Yorkshire Connect is the community directory for North Yorkshire. It offers local information from community and voluntary organisations that can provide advice and support. It also lists activities and things to do.
Age UK - Rotherham Less Lonely
Age UK offers a Befriending service as well as access to a range of group activities that bring people together
Tel: 01709 786955
Men in Sheds Men's Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create, The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, for groups of men to enjoy together and could be woodworking, cycle repairs, gardening, furniture renovation etc, depending on what the group is interested in. They are great places to spend time with others making social connections and are supportive of people with long term health conditions.
For more information on the location and contact details for Men's Sheds in you local area see:
Age Better
The Age better website is helping to end loneliness and isolation in Sheffield. Packed with information about local groups, services and activities.
Men in Sheds Men's Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create, The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, for groups of men to enjoy together and could be woodworking, cycle repairs, gardening, furniture renovation etc, depending on what the group is interested in. They are great places to spend time with others making social connections and are supportive of people with long term health conditions.
For more information on the location and contact details for Men's Sheds your local area see:
Access Ambassadors
Help on journeys, getting to appointments and being more active. Company to get out of the house and socialise with other people, using public transport or just a walk around your local area.
Tel: Adam Batty (0114) 290 0250
Peer Mentor
Chance to talk to a fellow older person about how you’re feeling, and how they coped. A mentor will listen and advise on ways to continue and cope with things.
Tel: Rebecca Lawson (0114) 290 0250
Wellbeing Practitioners
Intensive counselling for people 50+ who have low mental wellbeing, so they can return to socialising with others.
Tel: Alice Hall (0114) 290 0250
Friendly Visiting Service
Service offering regular visits from the Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care, to enhance the quality of older people aged 65+.
Tel: (0114) 250 5292
Telephone Link for Carers (TLC)
Offers isolated carers a friendly chat and emotional support. A trained volunteer can call you every couple of weeks if you don’t have the energy to meet others or leave the house.
Tel: Jan (0114) 278 8942
Community Resources: Sheffield Directory – Loneliness and Isolation
SCCCC Good Neighbour SchemeThe Good Neighbour Scheme is about providing a lifeline to older people when they need it most, offering the kind of straightforward help a ‘good neighbour' might give.
Tel: 0114 250 5292
Web: Good Neighbour Scheme (
Address: Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care, Unit 19, President Buildings, Savile Street East, SHEFFIELD, S4 7UQ
Age UK
A wide range of service for older people across the district
Live Well Wakefield
Connecting people to relevant social opportunities, support and services to help them improve health and wellbeing.
Tel: 01924 255363
Online Referral:
Community Wakefield
Find services, activities, opportunities & events across Wakefield District.
Men in Sheds Men's Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create, The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, for groups of men to enjoy together and could be woodworking, cycle repairs, gardening, furniture renovation etc, depending on what the group is interested in. They are great places to spend time with others making social connections and are supportive of people with long term health conditions.
For more information on the location and contact details for Men's Sheds in your local area see:
Age UK
Age UK York provides a befriending service, companionship and support to older people living alone in the community who feel socially isolated and lonely.
Age UK York organises day clubs offering older people an attractive social meeting place, hot lunch, refreshments and interesting activities
Tel: 01904 634061
Men in Sheds
Men's Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create, The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, for groups of men to enjoy together and could be woodworking, cycle repairs, gardening, furniture renovation etc, depending on what the group is interested in. They are great places to spend time with others making social connections and are supportive of people with long term health conditions.
For more information on the location and contact details for Men's Sheds in your local area see: